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Contains projects located on Princeton USG's dev server

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Development version of the Princeton USG's Tigerapps!

This repo currently only contains a subset of the apps currently hosted on the dev server. But it works!

Here's the steps to get a local clone of the Django projects in this to run on the USG dev server (do a git pull first):
1) Run scripts/ to copy private files (ie passwords) not hosted on Github from /srv to your personal clone of the repo.
2) Change to the tigerapps folder, and execute: runserver, where PORT is a number preferably in the 8000's
3) You can now visit your app at http://dev.* (e.g.,
4) Make sure to close your process in the end (Ctrl + C for a foreground process). If you ran it as a background process I'm assuming you also know how to kill it.

NOTE: The code + configuration are both pretty hacky. Here's some excuses:
- Currently updating from Django 1.1 to Django 1.3 standards
- Currently in the process of integrating into 1 Django project all the previously distinct tigerapps

Contact [email protected] (USG IT Chair) for any questions!

- Python 2.7, Django 1.3
- MySQLdb
- Customized version of django_cas included
- simplejson
- django-stdimage
- (others I forgot)
- Cal: xlwt
- Storage: django-paypal

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Contains projects located on Princeton USG's dev server






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