We analyze the beer menus listed by ~200 New York City craft beer bars (~7500) beers listed.
- We find statistically significant differences in taste in the four boroughs where we collected sufficient data (Staten Island, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens).
- We estimated the price per ounce of alcohol (not per ounce of beer) of $10.
- We find a statistically significant difference in prices based on the origin of the beer, with foreign beers most expensive, followed by beers outside New York state, and finally beers made in New York City or New York state statistically tied.
This is our second Flatiron School project (NYC Data Science), for module 3
See the presentation and conclusions on Google Slides or view the pdf in our repository.
We scraped beer menus from beermenus.com using a combination of Selenium, Requests, and BeautifulSoup. You can find the cleaned data in a csv in our repsoitory
- The main analysis is in analysis.ipynb.
- You can find our presentation in the presentation directory.
- You can find our code to perform the webscraping in the scrape directory. Note: scraping can take several hours and you can expect data to vary as bars regularly update their menus.
- You can find our data cleaning in the datacleaning directory