An Rmd parser based on Antlr 4.
- The antlr jar must be in your classpath
java -Xmx500M org.antlr.v4.Tool -Dlanguage=Swift -o Sources/Rc2Parser/generated -visitor *.g4
For some reason, will generate the lines (aprox line 333)
try match(RFilter.Tokens.NL.rawValue) let token = _localctx.castdown(EatContext.self) as! WritableToken
which is incorrect as self will never be a writable token. The result of match, howver, will.
let token = try match(RFilter.Tokens.NL.rawValue) as! WritableToken
RBaseListener needs throws added to enterEveryRule function
this change needs to be made everytime code is regeneratred.
ParseTreeLiatener declares enter/exitEveryRule as throws. The generated listeners do not. A pull request has been sumbitted to antlr. Until then,
copy test1.Rmd to /tmp