Distributed Delayed Messages Application to handle event publishing by delaying events at a particular time to different topics. Application uses kafka-streams to distribute load over multiple instances.
Branch to use Mongo as Custom State store: https://github.com/razorcd/distributed-scheduler/tree/CustomStateStore
inputTopic -> distributed-delayed-messages -.--> outputTopic1
`--> outputTopic2
System reads events from inputTopic
stores them until configured and then publishes the message
to selected outputTopic
- event format and explanations described below
- publishing multiple events with same partitionKey will result in publishing only the last one
- if publishing
time is in past, it will be published immediately message
must be String format. Can be json. System does not deserialise it and will publish the message payload directly to outputTopic.- outputTopic message partitionKey will be same as input partitionKey.
must be manually configured before publishing allowed.outputTopic
can be published only to one topic.- input/output topics must be manually created.
- partition if the inputTopic represents the distribution capacity (for now)
- more feature will come soon, see Ideas section
Input event format:
key: 000
represents the message/event that will be published to output topicmetaData
contains the scheduled publishing time and payload of publishing
This input will publish around 2021-05-15T21:02:31.333824Z
in outputTopic1
key: 000
value: message0
- add cloud events
- add load tests
- add multiple topics
- integrate different stores
- implement all Ideas
- delay message by X minutes/s/ms..
- delay message until fixed time
- stop after X minutes/s/ms..
- stop at fixed time
- stop after publishing X times
- time interval
- overwrite old event
- ignore event if value is duplicate (define value field)
- ignore event if number value deviation below X (define value field)
- fluctuation reducer (publish only after fluctuation is stable or X minutes)
- durable (not lost on restart)
- retry on publish failure (times/interval)
- dlq on unparseable input
- microbatching in case of high throughput
- output topic
- output k/v serializer?