Explore myProjects: a showcase of my web dev journey from beginner to intermediate. Dive into mini projects built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Witness the evolution of my skills in this compact coding journey! π»π #WebDev #HTML #CSS #JavaScript
Welcome to myProjects, a collection reflecting my web development journey from beginner to intermediate levels. Explore various mini projects crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, showcasing the evolution of my skills.
Card Shuffle Game
Color Changer
Dice Roll
Hypotenuse Calculator
Number Guessing Game
QR Code Generator
Rock Paper Scissor
Simple Counter
Temp Convertor
To Do List
New Project Are Coming
- Clone the repository.
- Open each project folder to explore its code.
- Experiment, learn, and adapt!
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions. Happy coding! π»π #WebDev #HTML #CSS #JavaScript