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ayushgaud committed Sep 4, 2024
1 parent 2f72b17 commit 2335b9f
Showing 1 changed file with 39 additions and 67 deletions.
106 changes: 39 additions & 67 deletions src/wrike_ist/azure.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,72 +13,9 @@
{:Authorization (str "Basic " (js/btoa (str ":" (azure-token))))
:Content-Type "application/json"})

(defn fetch-work-item
(let [uri (str "" organization "/" project "/_apis/wit/workitems/" id "?api-version=6.0")]
(-> (http/get uri {:headers (headers)})
(.then (fn [response]
(js->clj (js/JSON.parse (:body response))))))))

(defn update-work-item-status
[id new-status]
(let [uri (str "" organization "/" project "/_apis/wit/workitems/" id "?api-version=6.0")
patch-body [{:op "add"
:path "/fields/System.State"
:value new-status}]
params (clj->js patch-body)]
(-> (http/patch uri {:headers (headers)
:body (js/JSON.stringify params)})
(.then (fn [response]
(js->clj (js/JSON.parse (:body response))))))))

(defn link-pr
[{:keys [work-item-id pr-url]}]
(let [comment-text (str "<a href=\"" pr-url "\">Pull Request</a>")]
(-> (fetch-work-item work-item-id) ;; Fetch work item
(.then (fn [work-item]
(let [uri (str "" organization "/" project "/_apis/wit/workitems/" work-item-id "/comments?api-version=6.0")]
(-> (http/post uri {:headers (headers)
:body (js/JSON.stringify {:text comment-text
:plainText false})})
(.then (fn [response]
(js/console.log (js/JSON.parse (:body response)))
(js/console.log "PR link added to work item")))
(.catch (fn [error]
(js/console.error "Failed to add PR link:" error)))))))
(.catch (fn [error]
(js/console.error "Failed to fetch work item:" error))))))

(defn check-valid-work-item
[id target-branch]
(if (and target-branch (str/starts-with? target-branch "release"))
(-> (fetch-work-item id)
(fn [work-item]
(let [status (get-in work-item ["fields" "System.State"])]
(if (some #{status} ["Active" "New" "Approved"])
(js/console.log "Work item is valid")
(js/Promise.resolve true))
(js/console.log "Work item is not valid")
(js/Promise.resolve false))))))
(.catch (fn [error]
(js/console.error "Error checking work item validity:" error))))
(js/console.log "Target branch is not a release branch, skipping validation")
(js/Promise.resolve true))))

(defn process-pull-request
[{:keys [pr-url work-item-id target-branch]}]
(-> (check-valid-work-item work-item-id target-branch)
(.then (fn [valid?]
(if valid?
(link-pr {:work-item-id work-item-id
:pr-url pr-url})
(js/console.log "Skipping PR link due to invalid work item"))))
(.catch (fn [error]
(js/console.error "Error processing pull request:" error)))))
(defn parse-body
(js->clj (js/JSON.parse (:body response))))

(def link-badge
(str "<span "
Expand All @@ -87,8 +24,43 @@
"Pull request for "
"</span> "))

(defn link-html
(defn link-html
[{:keys [id pr-url target-branch repository-name title]}]
(if (empty? title)
(str link-badge target-branch ": " "<a href=\"" pr-url "\">" " (#" id ")</a>")
(str link-badge repository-name " on branch " target-branch ": " "<a href=\"" pr-url "\">" title " (#" id ")</a>")))

(defn find-task
(let [pattern #"https://dev\.azure\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+/_workitems/edit/(\d+)"
matches (re-seq pattern url)]
(when (seq matches)
(some-> (first matches)
(second))))) ;; Extract the match group (ID)

(defn link-pr
[{:keys [pr-url permalink] :as details}]
(let [work-item-id (find-task permalink)]
(find-task permalink)
(fn [{:strs [id]}]
(let [uri (str "" organization "/" project "/_apis/wit/workitems/" work-item-id "/comments?api-version=6.0")]
(-> (http/get uri {:headers (headers)})
(.then (fn find-existing-link [response]
(fn [ok comment]
(if (.includes (get comment "text") pr-url)
(reduced (js/Promise.reject :present))
(get (parse-body response) "data"))))
(.then (fn add-link-comment [& _]
(let [comment-text (link-html details)
params (clj->js {:text comment-text
:plainText false})]
(http/post uri {:headers (headers)
:body (js/JSON.stringify params)}))))
(.then #(js/console.log "PR link sent to task"))
(.catch #(if (= % :present)
(js/console.log "PR link already in comments")
(js/Promise.reject %)))))))))

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