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Jonas Rapp edited this page May 2, 2022 · 6 revisions

Custom published properties and events are found under category Rappen XRM.



This is a non-UI component to which you can bind a Dataverse record (Entity). Then you can bind column specific UI controls to the RecordHost component. If the column bound controls are not readonly, they will have full two-way-binding to the record, providing both view and editing capabilities.

The XRMRecordHost component exposes a Save method to push changes made in the UI controls back to Dataverse.

Property Descriptions
Service This is an IOrganizationServiceπŸ”— connected to the Dataverse backend.
Record An object of type EntityπŸ”— to bind.
LogicalName A string representing the logicalname of bound Record. If set in combination with Id the Record will be automatically retrieved by the component.
Id Guid of the Record to retrieve, must be used in combination with LogicalName when setting.
ChangedColumns A list of column names that have pending changes compared to the bound record.
Item[columnname] Indexer for columns on the bound record. Use this to set values, which will then be added to the ChangedColumns and used to create/update the record when calling SaveChanges. Use this to read column values programmatically, values returned will be the pending value if available, otherwise the original value from the bound record. All bound control writes to the indexer automatically as the user changes values.
Method Descriptions
SetValue Sets the value of given column on the bound record. Changes will be propagated to any bound controls for the given column.
SuspendLayout Prevents refresh of data and metadata for bound controls until ResumeLayout is called. May be used when several properties shall be changed for the XRMRecordHost and its bound controls to prevent flickering and unnecessary calls to the backend.
ResumeLayout Resumes refresh of all bound controls after being suspended using SuspendLayout.
SaveChanges Saves the bound record to Dataverse. The change will only include the columns that are updated according to ChangedColumns.
UndoChanges Clears the list of pending changes and issues a Refresh to all bound controls to show the original values from the bound record.
Event Descriptions
ColumnValueChanged Event invoked when the user updates the value in any bound control, or if a column value is updated through code by setting through the indexer.



Just like any TextBox, but shows values from a record in Dataverse. The control shall be bound to an XRMRecordHost, and a Column or DisplayFormat specified.

Property Descriptions
RecordHost set to a XRMRecordHost instance to bind the textbox to.
Column the logicalname of the column on the RecordHost Record to bind the control to. Setting this property is required for edit mode with two way binding. Cannot be used in combination with DisplayFormat.
DisplayFormat set to any XRM TokenπŸ”— to define how each record is presented. Cannot be used in combination with Column.



Just like any ComboBoxπŸ”—, but shows values from an OptionSet / Choice column on a record in Dataverse. The control may be bound to an XRMRecordHost, and a Column specified to automatically load available options and select the correct option from the bound record/column.

This control may also be unbound (RecordHost is null) and the DataSource may then be set to a collection of OptionMetadataπŸ”— or an OptionSetMetadataπŸ”— instance to populate with any optionset.

Property Descriptions
RecordHost set to a XRMRecordHost instance to bind the checkbox to.
Column the logicalname of the column on the RecordHost Record to bind the control to.
Sorted true to sort options alphabetically, false to keep sorting from metadata.
ShowValue true to show the numeric value after the label: "Customer (42)"
DataSource set to a collection of OptionMetadataπŸ”— or an OptionSetMetadataπŸ”— instance to populate with any optionset, overriding RecordHost and Column.
SelectedOption readonly property containing currently selected OptionMetadataπŸ”—.



Just like any CheckBoxπŸ”—, but shows values from a bool / two option / yes/no column on a record in Dataverse. The control shall be bound to an XRMRecordHost, and a Column specified.

Property Descriptions
RecordHost set to a XRMRecordHost instance to bind the checkbox to.
Column the logicalname of the column on the RecordHost Record to bind the control to.
ShowMetadataLabels set this to update the Text of the checkbox to the user localized label of the TrueOptionπŸ”— or FalseOptionπŸ”— as the state changes.



Just like any ComboBoxπŸ”—, but shows records from Dataverse. The control may be bound to an XRMRecordHost, and a Column specified to automatically load records based on the target table of the bound record/column.

This control may also be unbound (RecordHost is null) and the DataSource may then be set to a collection of EntityπŸ”— or an EntityCollectionπŸ”— instance to populate with any records. If a DataSource is set, the Service property must also be set.

To get the more classic behavior of lookups with a readonly textbox and a button to open a new lookup dialog, a XRMColumnLookup bound to a dedicated XRMRecordHost can be used in combination with a Button and a XRMLookupDialog component (see below). This can be useful if the number of lookup records is too large to get a good UX with a combobox.

Property Descriptions
RecordHost set to a XRMRecordHost instance to bind the combobox to.
Column the logicalname of the column on the RecordHost Record to bind the control to. When Record of the RecordHost and the Column is set, the control will automatically load records of the target type of the lookup column.
OnlyActiveRecords true to filter loaded records by statecode eq 0. Caution when binding to lookups targeting tables with uncommon or not existing statecodes, this will explode πŸ’₯ if failing.
Filter additional FilterExpressionπŸ”— to add to the query when loading records based on bound RecordHost and Column.
AddNullRecord set true to add a null-option in the combobox, to be possible to 'unselect' this record.
Sorted true to sort lookup records alphabetically according to current DisplayFormat.
DisplayFormat set to any XRM TokenπŸ”— to define how each record is presented. Leave blank to display the primary name of the lookup records (just like OOB behavior in the platform).
DataSource set to a collection of EntityπŸ”— or an EntityCollectionπŸ”— instance to populate with any records., overriding RecordHost and Column.
Service This is an IOrganizationServiceπŸ”— connected to the Dataverse backend. Must be set when control is unbound and setting DataSource.
Method Descriptions
SetSelected Select the record by the Guid.



Just like any DataGridView, but shows data (records) from Dataverse. The control accepts EntityCollection or IEnumerable<Entity> as DataSource.

Property Descriptions
Service This is an IOrganizationServiceπŸ”— connected to the Dataverse backend.
DataSource set to a collection of EntityπŸ”— or an EntityCollectionπŸ”— instance to populate the DataGridView with Dataverse data.
Event Descriptions



Just like a FileOpenDialog or ColorDialog, but lets the user select an entity record.

Property Descriptions Note
Service set to an active IOrganizationService.
LogicalName Logical name of the entity to select from
LogicalNames Logical names of the entity to select from, like a polymorphic lookup
MultiSelect Set true to allow user to select multiple records
ShowFriendlyNames Set false to display records with raw values (Guids, OptionSetValues etc)
IncludePersonalViews Set true to make any personal views available to select from
ShowRemoveButton Set true to show the "Remove Value" button in the dialog
SetDefaultView Set the entity logical name and the Guid of the view to be default.
Title of the dialog window
Record The selected entity record Assigned after close
Records The selected entity records, when multiselect is allowed Assigned after close
Method Descriptions
ShowDialog Call this method to open the dialog. Returns DialogResultπŸ”—
- OK: Record(s) selected
- Cancel: Nothing selected
- Abort: Remove value



Just like any ComboBox, but accepts EntityMetadataCollection or IEnumerable<EntityMetadata> as DataSource.

Property Descriptions
Show Friendly Names determines if Display Name or Logical Name of the entities shall be shown.
SelectedEntity read this to get the entity currently selected.
Method Descriptions
SetSelected Select a table by logicalname.



Just like any ComboBox, but accepts EntityMetadata or IEnumerable<AttributeMetadata> as DataSource.

Property Descriptions
Show Friendly Names determines if Display Name or Logical Name of the entities shall be shown.
SelectedAttribute read this to get the entity currently selected.