- 0d08c7b Showing release notes when going into a new version
- 74f3a15 Nonduplication relationships plus DBML fixes
- af345d7 Beautifying DBML better
- 00a6584 Relatioships hiccup. Fixed now.
- 9d72f14 Always make sure the current version is set in settings before saving it
- 1a1ed25 Opeing old file may remove some relationships. Fixed now. #113
- 7521540 Typo... 🙄
- 7ffdc3b nuspec updated
- be3f4c8 Better handling: Settings for non-used formats are now hard coded
- 369aa32 A bit safer with default values for the templates
See More
- d9e8233 Safer opening of files now
- 1c7b61f Simplifying Open files sharing config between LCG UML DBML
- c8a3707 Again fixing Entity list columns widths
- 2fbe4cc Fixing #118 UML attribute details
- 1256e57 New layouts mainly with all filters
- b802d57 UI fix for Hide/Show filters
- c9c22c2 Syncing IsSelected from both sides of the relationships #113
- a5d7a1e Typos
- 6274c4d Added option to filter relationships by lookup attribute requred #116
- 97277ee Option to remove related refs when removing entity #115
- bafb0fb A few more TriCheckBox for filtering plus layout improvements
- dfe7f41 Entity Selected and Records using TriCheckBox
- 294fbd8 Some tables are uncountable, option to inclute them #109
- ff42968 Using cooler control: TriCheckBox for filtering settings
- 693f634 Nicer icons - again!
- 716c032 Remove unused using
- 86ba386 Big changes in Settings and Templates files (#117)
- 398d982 Typofix #105
- 2c955e6 Option to set colors by entity/attr type #99
- 3ebf395 UML can show Display+Logical name #105
- d83a5f9 Handling Groups for the DBML template #110 #111
- a1104ab Merge pull request #112 from rappen/jimbonovak-jim_support_DBML
- 2db7400 Acceptiong PR #110 by @jimbonovak plus adjustments
- 42988b1 Supporting Themes in PlantUML! #75
- 4b3d631 Even better columns widths for entities
- f71f2b3 Better columns widths for entities
- 11c6d91 Refresh button for Attributes usage improved
- 8005799 Opening file handles groups too #111
- 66626d1 Reversed MscrmTools.Xrm.Connection to 1.2023.6.56 because...
- e4b28ec Generating is using Groups #111
- 9e2a027 Using new class EntityGroups #111
- 666cafb Added Entity Group class #111
- dcaf0af Added Supporting, New icons
- 67ddbe2 Including Helpers and Supporting
- 0eb65bc A bunch of updated packages
- 689bbc2 Reordering code, now more correct
- 0e1263f adding support for DBML gen - UI updates and template work
- c8ecb5c Merge pull request #104 from lsysunbow/master
- c261b22 Update MetadataProxy.cs
- 8ede9bb Merge pull request #101 from nullstatement/patch-1
- 4adfefa Update
This list of changes was auto generated.