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tracks a special mac address in switchdatabase using keypair auth wit pyez, pushes the info to tipboard server


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A multithreaded switch port mapper, works only with juniper devices.

Use case :

  • no addressing/numbering on ethernet jacks
  • need to identify which switch and port

What you need to do for this to work:


  • need to enter the mac address to config file
  • have to create a csv file as mentioned below
  • need to create a netconf user on every juniper switch you own
  • for security reasons i made this using keypair auth which is explained below if you do know what you do you can use username password auth but i don't reccomend it
  • need to have a mobile ethernet client, any laptop/raspberry/arduino will do

TL:DR ; tracks a special mac address in JUNOS based switches addressed in csv based database using keypair auth wit pyez, pushes the info to an indicator at tipboard server

Tracking mac with PYez And Tipboard

I used Server ubuntu 16.04 everything is explained according to output of this distro

Dependency installations for PYez modules

	#sudo apt install  python3-pip python3-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev

##Updating the PIP3 repositories #pip3 install --upgrade pip

Installation of PYez

	#pip3 install junos-eznc

Creating a keypair and a Netconf user to establish connection using PYez

Server side steps

do not use passwords in keypair

	# ssh-keygen -t rsa
	Generating public/private rsa key pair.
	Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): tipboard_nopass.key
	Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
	Enter same passphrase again:
	Your identification has been saved in tipboard_nopass.key.
	Your public key has been saved in
	The key fingerprint is:
	SHA256:39dwxZTgeRK4T+p6T5eKL3hgDv1tTtb8ZB81T7bGT8o root@ubuntu
	The key's randomart image is:
	+---[RSA 2048]----+
	|            .o. o|
	|           .. o+ |
	|            .+ .o|
	|           . .o .|
	|        S   + ..=|
	|       . = o .+**|
	|        + * o+.X*|
	|         o *==+==|
	|         .+.*=E +|
  1. this command creates 2 files, one has a pub extension. You need upload this file to /var/tmp folder on remote device and add it to users authentication method and example is show below switch side steps
  2. The private key file must be used as identity file while creating a connection to junos device

put the public key file using scp to switch

	# scp [email protected]:/var/tmp/

Switch side steps

Creating a Superuser enabled user with key only authentication

	root@SWH_PS_WS_CA0201# set system login user tipboard class super-user authentication load-key-file /var/tmp/tipboard_
	'/var/tmp/tipboard_' is ambiguous.
	Possible completions:
	  <load-key-file>      File (URL) containing one or more ssh keys
	  /var/tmp/  Size: 393, Last changed: Feb 01 04:14:21
	  /var/tmp/tipboard_public  Size: 448, Last changed: Feb 01 04:08:35
	root@SWH_PS_WS_CA0201# set system login user tipboard class super-user authentication load-key-file /var/tmp/

Enable netconf with port change def=830

	root@SWH_PS_WS_CA0201# set system services netconf ssh
	root@SWH_PS_WS_CA0201# show | compare
	[edit system services]
	+    netconf {
	+        ssh;
	+    }
	root@SWH_PS_WS_CA0201# commit
	configuration check succeeds
	commit complete

Change port as 2223

	#set system services netconf ssh port 2223


If you receive what we call dev.hello as shown below everything is fine. You've established an PYez connection to junos switch

root@ubuntu:~# ssh -i ./tipboard_nopass.key [email protected] -p 2223 -s netconf
<!-- No zombies were killed during the creation of this user interface -->
<!-- user tipboard, class j-super-user -->
<hello xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">

To test default ssh port request terminal using -t netconf or you get stuck in terminal screen and you have to kick newly created user from terminal.

root@SWH_PS_WS_CA0201> show system users
Failed conversion of ``26:50'' using format ``%k:%M''
date: illegal time format
usage: date [-jnRu] [-d dst] [-r seconds] [-t west] [-v[+|-]val[ymwdHMS]] ...
            [-f fmt date | [[[[[cc]yy]mm]dd]HH]MM[.ss]] [+format]
<date-time junos:seconds="1548995600">4:33AM</date-time>
<up-time junos:seconds="97620">1 day,  3:07</up-time>
<active-user-count junos:format="3 users">3</active-user-count>
<login-time junos:seconds="1548984800">Thu01AM</login-time>
<idle-time junos:seconds="1548984800">26:50</idle-time>
<login-time junos:seconds="1548992000">3:33AM</login-time>
<idle-time junos:seconds="0">-</idle-time>
<login-time junos:seconds="1548995540">4:32AM</login-time>
<idle-time junos:seconds="0">-</idle-time>


Simple get_facts testing output

use the file at concept_work folder to check minimal access to switch

 # python3
 'HOME': '/var/home/tipboard',
 'RE0': {'last_reboot_reason': '0x1:power cycle/failure',
         'mastership_state': 'master',
         'model': 'RE-EX2300-48P',
         'status': 'OK',
         'up_time': '1 day, 3 hours, 25 minutes, 58 seconds'},
 'RE1': None,
 'RE_hw_mi': False,
 'current_re': ['master',
 'domain': None,
 'fqdn': None,
 'hostname': 'SWH_PS_WS_CA0201',
 'hostname_info': {'fpc0': 'SWH_PS_WS_CA0201'},
 'ifd_style': 'SWITCH',
 'junos_info': {'fpc0': {'object': junos.version_info(major=(15, 1), type=X, minor=(53, 'D', 590), build=1),
                         'text': '15.1X53-D590.1'}},
 'master': 'RE0',
 'model': 'EX2300-48P',
 'model_info': {'fpc0': 'EX2300-48P'},
 'personality': 'SWITCH',
 're_info': {'default': {'0': {'last_reboot_reason': '0x1:power cycle/failure',
                               'mastership_state': 'master',
                               'model': 'RE-EX2300-48P',
                               'status': 'OK'},
                         'default': {'last_reboot_reason': '0x1:power '
                                     'mastership_state': 'master',
                                     'model': 'RE-EX2300-48P',
                                     'status': 'OK'}}},
 're_master': {'default': '0'},
 'serialnumber': 'JW0218050498',
 'srx_cluster': None,
 'srx_cluster_id': None,
 'srx_cluster_redundancy_group': None,
 'switch_style': 'VLAN_L2NG',
 'vc_capable': True,
 'vc_fabric': False,
 'vc_master': '0',
 'vc_mode': 'Enabled',
 'version': '15.1X53-D590.1',
 'version_RE0': None,
 'version_RE1': None,
 'version_info': junos.version_info(major=(15, 1), type=X, minor=(53, 'D', 590), build=1),
 'virtual': False}

Usage Of


#python3 ./switch_database.csv ./trackmactip.yaml

The switch_database.csv file explained

Yet another boring csv file, you have to add every device and their private key location with the order show below.


The config.yaml file explained

It is actually very human readable if you want to track additional ip addresses just add them and increase the number. Just remember tile will display the information based FIFO

So if you plug mac1 first then mac2 second you'll be seeing mac2 on tipboard tile. Tile and API key section is going to be explained in tipboard server setup.

  logfile : '/var/log/trackmactip.log'
  verbose_logging: False

  mac-address1: "00:01:02:03:04:05"

  tipboardServer: ""
  tipboardPort: "7373"
  tipboardAPIkey: "e2c3275d0e1a4bc0da360dd225d74a43"
  tipboardTileData: "tile=text key=id_1"

Installation of Tipboard server

It is pretty straightforward as stated on tipboards documentation. You can do it on the same server as the code runs

You have to ;

  • Create an api key which is located on ~/.tipboard/

  • Create a layout for us the model below is fine

          - row_1_of_2:
              - col_1_of_1:
                  - tile_template: big_value
                    tile_id: raspberry
                    title: Raspberrys location
          - row_1_of_2:
              - col_1_of_1:
                  - tile_template: empty
                    tile_id: empty
                    title: Laptops Location
  • Use the post model for tiles as shown below

    1. Top Tile

            -X POST\
            -d "tile=big_value"\
            -d "key=raspberry"\
            -d 'data={"title": "Raspberrys location",
                      "description": "MAC Address : 01:02:03:04:05:06",
                      "big-value": "sw1 port 25",
                      "upper-left-label": "Cabinet: ",
                      "upper-left-value": "5",
                      "lower-left-label": "Kat/Floor:",
                      "lower-left-value": "2",
                      "upper-right-label": "Before :",
                      "upper-right-value": "Sw2 port 24",
                      "lower-right-label": "Cabinet:",
                      "lower-right-value": "2"}'
    2. Bottom Tile

            -X POST\
            -d "tile=big_value"\
            -d "key=laptop1"\
            -d 'data={"title": "Raspberrys location",
                      "description": "MAC Address : 01:02:03:04:05:06",
                      "big-value": "sw1 port 25",
                      "upper-left-label": "Cabinet: ",
                      "upper-left-value": "5",
                      "lower-left-label": "Kat/Floor:",
                      "lower-left-value": "2",
                      "upper-right-label": "Before :",
                      "upper-right-value": "Sw2 port 24",
                      "lower-right-label": "Cabinet:",
                      "lower-right-value": "2"}'


PIP may create problems

Rehash and continue as shown below

root@ubuntu:~# pip3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/pip3", line 9, in <module>
    from pip import main
ImportError: cannot import name 'main'
root@ubuntu:~# hash -d pip
-bash: hash: pip: not found
root@ubuntu:~# hash -d pip3 <--
root@ubuntu:~# pip3 install junos-eznc
Collecting junos-eznc
  Using cached
Collecting pyserial (from junos-eznc)

Some of paramiko's crypto functions are deprecated

This is a known bug you can ignore them. Sample outputs are shown below

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/paramiko/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: encode_point has been deprecated on EllipticCurvePublicNumbers and will be removed in a future version. Please use EllipticCurvePublicKey.public_bytes to obtain both compressed and uncompressed point encoding.
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/paramiko/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Support for unsafe construction of public numbers from encoded data will be removed in a future version. Please use EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point
  self.curve, Q_S_bytes
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/paramiko/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: encode_point has been deprecated on EllipticCurvePublicNumbers and will be removed in a future version. Please use EllipticCurvePublicKey.public_bytes to obtain both compressed and uncompressed point encoding.
{'2RE': False, 'HOME': '/var/home/tipboard', 'RE0': {'mastership_state': 'master', 'status': 'OK', 'up_time': '1 day, 3 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds', 'model': 'RE-EX2300-48P', 'last_reboot_reason': '0x1:power cycle/failure'}, 'RE1': None, 'RE_hw_mi': False, 'current_re': ['master', 'node', 'fwdd', 'member', 'pfem', 're0', 'fpc0', 'localre'], 'domain': None, 'fqdn': None, 'hostname': 'SWH_PS_WS_CA0201', 'hostname_info': {'fpc0': 'SWH_PS_WS_CA0201'}, 'ifd_style': 'SWITCH', 'junos_info': {'fpc0': {'text': '15.1X53-D590.1', 'object': junos.version_info(major=(15, 1), type=X, minor=(53, 'D', 590), build=1)}}, 'master': 'RE0', 'model': 'EX2300-48P', 'model_info': {'fpc0': 'EX2300-48P'}, 'personality': 'SWITCH', 're_info': {'default': {'0': {'mastership_state': 'master', 'status': 'OK', 'last_reboot_reason': '0x1:power cycle/failure', 'model': 'RE-EX2300-48P'}, 'default': {'mastership_state': 'master', 'status': 'OK', 'last_reboot_reason': '0x1:power cycle/failure', 'model': 'RE-EX2300-48P'}}}, 're_master': {'default': '0'}, 'serialnumber': 'JW0218050498', 'srx_cluster': None, 'srx_cluster_id': None, 'srx_cluster_redundancy_group': None, 'switch_style': 'VLAN_L2NG', 'vc_capable': True, 'vc_fabric': False, 'vc_master': '0', 'vc_mode': 'Enabled', 'version': '15.1X53-D590.1', 'version_RE0': None, 'version_RE1': None, 'version_info': junos.version_info(major=(15, 1), type=X, minor=(53, 'D', 590), build=1), 'virtual': False}
root@ubuntu:~# vi
root@ubuntu:~# python3
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/paramiko/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: encode_point has been deprecated on EllipticCurvePublicNumbers and will be removed in a future version. Please use EllipticCurvePublicKey.public_bytes to obtain both compressed and uncompressed point encoding.
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/paramiko/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Support for unsafe construction of public numbers from encoded data will be removed in a future version. Please use EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point
  self.curve, Q_S_bytes
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/paramiko/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: encode_point has been deprecated on EllipticCurvePublicNumbers and will be removed in a future version. Please use EllipticCurvePublicKey.public_bytes to obtain both compressed and uncompressed point encoding.


tracks a special mac address in switchdatabase using keypair auth wit pyez, pushes the info to tipboard server







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