Download the Processed CSV and pickle files from:
Note: Only pickle files are necessary. CSV files are only for reference.
Update from Naveen: I have added one gram features extraction code for both amazon and apple. If you just run the 'n-gram-feature-extraction.ipynb' notebook in your local, it would generate the pickle files for features for respective company. That would hardly take 5 mins.
In your local, please directly use the files put up by Abhishek in drive as it takes lots of time in preprocessing.
Update from Mounavi: I am adding the link for google collab which contains the code to obtain the tweets data related to stocks of AMZN and AAPL.
Update from Naveen: Please update the cumulative info about your test in following sheet:
Update from Nagarjuna:
Tokenized preprocessed data using google news vectors [GloveVectorizeTokens.ipynb] Trained the tokens on different machine learning models using [model-training-glove-1-day.ipynb and model-training-glove-4-hrs.ipynb]