Keras implementation of the following paper on MNIST database.
Radford, Alec, Luke Metz, and Soumith Chintala. "Unsupervised representation learning with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.06434 (2015).
link to paper
- Keras
- Numpy
- matplotlib
- sklearn ( used only for shuffling the data )
, main file. -
, uses the saved trained modelgenerator_200.h5
inside themodels
folder to generate images. -
folder contains the discriminator loss and generator loss after every epoch saved in numpy's npy format.
- Generated images after the final epoch
- GIF of the network learning the handwritten digits after every 5 epoch
Using batch normalization as suggested in the paper did not work as expected. Do let me know if I have erred.
The data is normalized before being fed into the network
I have concatenated both the train and val data for the train dataset thus 70000 samples of 28*28 each.
While runnning
you might get an errorinitNormal not a valid initializations
or something like that. Keras does not save the user initialized functions in the model, to resolve this error, add the following inpython/site-packages/keras/
. This ensures that all the weights are initialized from a zero centered normal distribution with standard deviation 0.02.def initNormal(shape, name=None): return normal(shape, scale=0.02, name=name)