Download useing the green code button and select ZIP. or just click here! once its done, Open the zip, Rename the folder inside (flightgear-f-22a-raptor-master) to F-22 Then drag that folder to where you keep your installed aircraft's
Bam! You just acheived air supporiority
How to use the missiles:
l (lower Case L) is chaff and flares. if theres a missile on you. turn around. fly low. gain as much speed as possible. and drop l if its a heat seeking missile (aim-9) Turn hard in any direction (left or right) and spam l
m switches the current air-to-air missile n switches the current air-to-gnd bomb/missile
w switches the master weapon mode. eaither guns or missiles. When in missile mode. use n/m to chose what weapon you shoot
e shoots the currently selected weapon, itll shoot the gun when your Guns are selected.
The FCR on the MFD's is the radar screen
press Shift-R to enable / disable the radar.
r changes the radars range. y locks between the currently sighted targets. if you see a target press y to select it.
Once your selected. Drop a missile and the missile will home to its target. Same for the bombs!
the landing gear acts funny. in general. alot more. that are not on my mind rn. lol
100% non toxic gurranty! Lol