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Understanding users in context

Jérôme Mouneyrac edited this page May 27, 2015 · 1 revision

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Goal: Identify the users. Try to find most use cases of the plugin and prioritize them.


The one testing the plugin

  • John (CEO) asks the Jordy (CIO) to check for a way to authenticate user with Google Apps
  • Jason hates passwords and want to offer to his students on his personal public Moodle site a way to login without password

The one installing up the plugin

  • Jason has been administrating his own Moodle site for 2 years.

The one logging in Moodle with the plugin

  • Sarah is used to click on the Connect with Google buttons, she just discovers Jason Moodle site online.


  • on existing site already using the plugin, from people loggeg the last month, how many user have googleoauth2 authentication? How many have another auth method?
  • on 100 users using a LMS, how many are willing to logging with Google/Facebook...
  • which provider these users are most likely to use if they had a choice?
  • do they understand the difference between connect with Google and manual auth?

User profiles


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