Use Gus to run sql scripts against a database. Gus keeps a history of scripts which it has applied so only new scripts are run.
Some Command Line Examples:
Apply sql scripts against your database
Gus.exe apply /source="C:\MyScripts" /server="." /database="AdventureWorks"
If scripts have already been applied manually you can use Gus to record the latest
Gus.exe apply /source="C:\MyScripts" /server="." /database="AdventureWorks" /recordonly=True
If using SQL Server Authentication you can specify a username and password
Gus.exe apply /source="C:\MyScripts" /server="MyServer" /username="Admin" /password="pa$$word" /database="AdventureWorks"
List the SQL scripts not yet applied
Gus.exe status /source="C:\MyScripts" /server="." /database="AdventureWorks"