The goal of GitAI is to derive knowledge from GitHub or GitLab repositories with the use of AI/LLM (Large Language Models). With GitAI you can easily:
- set up your project scope (Git repositories),
- select content of interest (files and file types),
- choose your LLM backend,
- define the LLM prompts,
- process content of all repositories with a single function call.
And all of that in a nice tidyverse style.
You can install the development version of GitAI
GitHub with:
# install.packages("pak")
Basic workflow could look like:
# Set up project
my_project <- initialize_project("fascinating_project") |>
set_github_repos(repos = c("r-world-devs/GitStats", "r-world-devs/GitAI", "openpharma/DataFakeR")) |>
add_files(files = "") |>
set_llm() |>
set_prompt("Write one-sentence summary for a project based on given input.")
# Get the results
results <- process_repos(my_project)