Releases: r-cochran/cuke_sniffer
Releases · r-cochran/cuke_sniffer
- [New Rule] Duplicate Scenario names. If a feature file has multiple scenarios with identical names this rule will fire. It is a warning level rule. This can cause issues when debugging your tests. Usually a result of copying and pasting other tests.
- [Bug] Out of Order Steps will no longer fire for scenarios and backgrounds that have no steps. #97
- [Bug] Out of Order Steps will no longer fire when the same keyword is used mulitple times in the correct order. Given And When When And Then Then. #98
- Added line numbers to scenario location for easier look up.
- Fixes to junit output #90
- Removed lambda level return statements which was causing issues in certain version of jruby. #104
- Updated all dependencies
- Migrated rspec from 2 to 3.
- Added support for 2.4.0 versions of ruby
- Removed support for Ruby and jRuby versions prior to 2.2.0
Over 2 years and a whole lot of learning/experience in other languages later we have a new release. This release is a primary UI upgrade and report experience release. Expect more diverse and smaller updates in the future.
- A general overhaul has been made to the html output.
- Added version number to reports.
- Added an information section to give details to users who are new to the project as well as links for the project and its authors.
- Rules can now be disabled. Disabled rules will now be hidden in the report where they would normally show up. This does not alter any scores on the report. If you wish to disable the rules you can do it as part of the report generation process (
- All rules can be enabled and disabled at once to allow for targeting individual issues.
- Rules can be filtered by checking/unchecking the group they belong to. Remember that a rule can belong to multiple groups.
- Dead steps are now hidden in the Step Definitions section and can be toggled to be shown.
Junit output can now be used to feed to jenkins/hudson servers. See (link) for usage.
--out junit_xml
API changes
- CukeSniffer::CukeSnifferHelper.build_rule now requires a symbol as the first arguement for the rule being built.
- The feature_same_tag rule will now properly trigger based on the tags of the Feature instead of the first scenario when compared to the other scenarios in the file.
- Parsing of feature files will no longer attempt to parse a folder that is named .feature.
- General updates for ruby 2.0+
- Optimization for cataloging step definition calls. Runtimes with this turned on should now be 1/5th of what they were previously.
- Removed rule reasons from the html.
- Converted rule reasons from strings that were being evaluated into lambda expressions. Decision was based on readability and long term addition of rules and custom rules by users.
- Fixed issue where the implementation word for tab would trigger on any word that included it as a part. 'Table' was being penalized twice, once for 'table' and once for 'tab'.
- Fixed issue where a feature file with no lines at all would throw a runtime exception, preventing cuke_sniffer from finishing.
- Several convenience methods added to RuleTarget objects, see commit history for full additions.
- Added new phrases to the implementation word rule: tab and database
- Fixed issue where a universal matched step would mask all dead steps and show all steps with at least one call due to fuzzy matching
- Dramatic update to html output.
- Function bar added to html report to expand/collapse all subsections at once
- Added mute option to CLI to prevent cataloging of step definitions (decrease runtime) by passing :no_catalog => true in the constructor hash
- Added mute option to command line to prevent cataloging of step definitions (decrease runtime) by passing -nc or --no_catalog
- Complex example and different outputs added to examples folder.