pip install git+https://github.com/qxf77/reverseTREVORproxy
reverseTREVORproxy listens for incoming SSH connections that start a reverse SOCKS proxy and allows you to round-robin packets through them.
$ trevorproxy -h
usage: trevorproxy [-h] [-v] [--api API] [--base BASE]
Round-robin requests through multiple reverse SSH SOCKs tunnels via a single master
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose be verbose
--api API port that will be used by the API server (default: 31331)
--base BASE base listening port to use for SOCKS proxies (default: 31332)
Original by @thetechr0mancer
See the accompanying Blog Post for a fun rant and some cool demos!
A SOCKS proxy written in Python that randomizes your source IP address. Round-robin your evil packets through SSH tunnels or give them billions of unique source addresses!