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C/C++ plugin integrating Post-Quantum Cryptography for DDS

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This is a (work in progress) DDS security plugin C/C++ library integrating Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) algorithms trough Open Quantum Safe's liboqs library and oqs-provider.

It follows the DDS Security specification (v1.1) and it has been designed to be compatible with the following DDS implementations:

About this project

Preliminary ideas and results of this project were presented at the IX Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad held from 27-29th May in Sevilla, Spain. The conference paper

  • PQSec-DDS: Integrating Post-Quantum Cryptography into DDS Security for Robotic Applications by F. J. Blanco-Romero, V. Lorenzo, F. Almenares, D. Dı́az-Sánchez and A. Serrano Navarro

was presented on 29th May. You can find the paper at pages 396-403 of the proceedings Actas de las IX Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad.

This project includes contributions from Adrián Serrano Navarro's master's thesis Integrating post quantum criptography on a publisher-consumer communication over CycloneDDS, with the integration of the Kyber768 KEM and Dilithium3 signature via liboqs.


The code of this project has been developed by

Building dependencies

We need to build the liboqs library and enable PQ cryptography in OpenSSL trough the oqs-provider library.

Building liboqs

You can follow the instructions in the official repository open-quantum-safe/liboqs to build the library. Here is a quick guide to build the library in a custom directory

cd /tmp
sudo rm -rf liboqs
git clone --branch main
cd liboqs
mkdir build && cd build
sudo mkdir -p <path_to_liboqs>
cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path_to_liboqs> ..
sudo ninja install

Ensure the liboqs library is correctly build under the <path_to_liboqs> directory.

Building oqs-provider

You can also follow the instructions in the official repository open-quantum-safe/oqs-provider to build the provider.

First we build a separate installation of OpenSSL 3.*

cd <oqs-provider-install-dir>
git clone git://
cd openssl
./config --prefix=$(echo $(pwd)/../.local) && make && make install_sw
cd ..

Building the provider. Run this in the <oqs-provider-install-dir> directory:

cd <oqs-provider-install-dir>
git clone
cd oqs-provider
cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$(pwd)/../.local -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(pwd)/../.local -S . -B _build
cmake --build _build
cd ..

Add the provider to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="<oqs-provider-install-dir>/.local/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

Adding openssl.cnf file enabling the oqs-provider

First check the location of the OpenSSL openssl.cnf configuration file with

<oqs-provider-install-dir>/.local/bin/openssl version -d

Make sure that the obtained directory contains a openssl.cnf file containing the following lines

providers = provider_sect

# List of providers to load
oqsprovider = oqsprovider_section
default = default_sect

activate = 1
module = <oqs-provider-install-dir>/oqs-provider/_build/lib/
activate = 1
activate = 1

Notice that you have to point to the file location, in this case in the oqs-provider build directory.

Check that the providers habe been corretly loaded with

<oqs-provider-install-dir>/.local/bin/openssl list -providers -verbose


The dinamical loading of external plugins is well documented in Cyclone DDS. See External Plugin Development here.

Building Cyclone DDS

git clone
cd cyclonedds
mkdir build
cd build

and then build it and install it in the <path_to_cyclonedds> directory

sudo mkdir <path_to_cyclonedds>
sudo cmake --build . --target install

Building the external plugin pqsec-dds for CycloneDDS

We can build the plugin with the following commands

cd src/
mkdir build
cd build
    -DDEBUG=ON \
    -DCYCLONEDDS_PATH=<path_to_cyclonedds> \
    -DLIBOQS_PATH=<path_to_liboqs> \
    -DOPENSSL_PATH=<path_to_openssl> \
cmake --build .

Setting the configuration for the custom authentication plugin

The configuration file can be found at config/cyclonedds/custom_auth_plugin.xml (note, see Configuration guide for more information about configuration files). Go to the cyclonedds/build and export the CYCLONEDDS_URI environment variable to point to this file

export CYCLONEDDS_URI=<path_to_workdir>/config/cyclonedds/custom_auth_plugin.xml

This configuration file contains the paths to the certificates and keys used for the authentication process. You can generate these certificates by executing the script in the certs directory.

Then link the custom plugin dynamic libraries to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path_to_workdir>/src/build/lib

You can have a quick test running the test application with




You should see the debug messages from the custom plugin.


C/C++ plugin integrating Post-Quantum Cryptography for DDS







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