This a project mainly to test Web Assembly.
To test the project, you will need:
(to compile WASM files)make
(to generate the mydb file)http-server
(to start a web server quicklynpm install -g http-server
To test without Web Assembly, you can simply execute: make re && ./build/my_autocomplete
You should get:
==== Testing ====
Does "Hello" exist ? Yes
Does "Hell" exist ? No
Does "Mom" exist ? No
Predict word for "Hel":
=> Predict "lo" with a weight of 20000000
====> Found hello
Predict word for "Lok":
=> Predict "'tar" with a weight of 20000000
====> Found lok'tar
Predict word for "Nothing":
=> Unable to predict
Predict word for "examine":
=> Unable to predict
To test with WebAssembly (Docker must be up and running):
$> make wasm
$> http-server .