quite well tested@cc7
fixed bugs:
- OPCUA-1430 (stupid me)
socketcan implementation needs "can" to be prefixed to the port number
still, the user can specify any prefix, excluding [0-9] of course, the implementation specific prefix gets added by CanModule
legal for port is: "whateverPrefix8" -> port 8 -> for socketcan becomes "can8" internally
not a good idea is "n0tGood1dea8" -> port 0 -> you probably wanted port 8
so please be reasonable - CANT-32 (difficult one)
reconnection behaviour for listening threads/handles was not correct for anagate when using several modules in parallel. Force-serialized reconnection behavior to become "one module after the other" to avoid reception handler corruption. It works for anagate. I have to check, and probably add that for the other vendors as well, and verify under windows.