This is the main application repository for QuantU.
npm install
Setup environment
cp .env.example .env
# generate a value for JWT_SECRET_KEY, and set it in .env
npm run secret
npx prisma db seed
Option 1 : docker-compose mongo backend
npm run mongo
# now sign-in with your user in the frontend
# then login to mongo and make your user a creator
mongo -u root -p password admin
> use quantu-app
> db.User.updateOne({username: "nathanfaucett"}, {$set: {creator: true}})
# set DATABASE_URL in .env
Option 2 : set DATABASE_URL
If you have a local mongo db or online instance, just set DATABASE_URL
in the .env to have the app connect to the db.
kubectl port-forward --namespace ui svc/quantu-app-postgresql 5432:5432
kubectl port-forward --namespace ui svc/quantu-app-mongodb-headless 27017:27017
After any updates to the database schema in prisma/schema.prisma
you should run npm run prisma generate
to update the type defs.
export KUBECONFIG=~/my/path/to/appname-kubeconfig.yaml
NODE_ENV=production npm run helm