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Auto update packages #3705

Auto update packages

Auto update packages #3705

# Copyright (c) 2022-2023 SMALLPROGRAM <>
# Description: Auto update packages
name: "Auto update packages"
description: 'SSH connection to Actions'
required: false
default: 'false'
- cron: "0 */4 * * *"
TZ: Asia/Shanghai
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# outputs:
# v2ray_geodata_difference_commit_time: ${{ steps.difference_time.outputs.difference_time }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Delete workflow runs
uses: Mattraks/delete-workflow-runs@main
token: ${{ github.token }}
repository: ${{ github.repository }}
retain_days: 1
keep_minimum_runs: 0
# - name: Calculate time difference
# id: difference_time
# run: |
# cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
# v2ray_geodata_commit_time=$(date -d "$(git log -1 --format=%ci v2ray-geodata/Makefile)" "+%s")
# now_time=$(date -d "$(date -R)" "+%s")
# difference_time=$((now_time-v2ray_geodata_commit_time))
# echo "difference_time=$((now_time-v2ray_geodata_commit_time))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT;
# echo "commit time: $(git log -1 --format=%ci v2ray-geodata/Makefile)"
# echo "now time: $(date -R)"
# echo "Unix timestamp commit: $v2ray_geodata_commit_time"
# echo "Unix timestamp now: $now_time"
# echo "Unix timestamp diff: $difference_time"
- name: SSH connection to Actions
uses: mxschmitt/[email protected]
if: (github.event.inputs.ssh == 'true' && github.event.inputs.ssh != 'false') || contains(github.event.action, 'ssh')
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_init
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check brook
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/brook
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '8p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
- name: Update brook
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/brook
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "8c PKG_VERSION:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p brook && cd brook
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum v$New_PKG_VERSION) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/brook
sed -i "13c PKG_HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新brook版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "brook Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: brook: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin brook-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "brook: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "brook: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: brook-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
brook: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "brook: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_brook
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check hysteria
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/hysteria
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '8p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
- name: Update hysteria
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/hysteria
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "8c PKG_VERSION:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p hysteria && cd hysteria
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum v$New_PKG_VERSION) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/hysteria
sed -i "13c PKG_HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 hysteria 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "hysteria Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: hysteria: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin hysteria-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "hysteria: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "hysteria: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: hysteria-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
hysteria: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "hysteria: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_hysteria
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check ipt2socks
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/ipt2socks
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '8p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
- name: Update ipt2socks
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/ipt2socks
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "8c PKG_VERSION:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p ipt2socks && cd ipt2socks
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum v$New_PKG_VERSION) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/ipt2socks
sed -i "13c PKG_HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 ipt2socks 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "ipt2socks Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: ipt2socks: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin ipt2socks-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "ipt2socks: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "ipt2socks: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: ipt2socks-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
ipt2socks: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "ipt2socks: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_ipt2socks
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check microsocks
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/microsocks
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '8p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
- name: Update microsocks
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/microsocks
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "8c PKG_VERSION:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p microsocks && cd microsocks
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum v$New_PKG_VERSION) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/microsocks
sed -i "13c PKG_HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 microsocks 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "microsocks Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: microsocks: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin microsocks-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "microsocks: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "microsocks: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: microsocks-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
microsocks: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "microsocks: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_microsocks
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check sing-box
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/sing-box
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '9p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
- name: Update sing-box
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/sing-box
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "9c PKG_VERSION:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p sing-box && cd sing-box
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum v$New_PKG_VERSION) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/sing-box
sed -i "14c PKG_HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 sing-box 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "sing-box Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: sing-box: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin sing-box-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "sing-box: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "sing-box: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: sing-box-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
sing-box: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "sing-box: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_sing-box
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check trojan
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/trojan
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '10p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
- name: Update trojan
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/trojan
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "10c PKG_VERSION:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p trojan && cd trojan
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum v$New_PKG_VERSION) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/trojan
sed -i "15c PKG_HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 trojan 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "trojan Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: trojan: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin trojan-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "trojan: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "trojan: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: trojan-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
trojan: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "trojan: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_trojan
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check trojan-go
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/trojan-go
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '8p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
- name: Update trojan-go
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/trojan-go
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "8c PKG_VERSION:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p trojan-go && cd trojan-go
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum v$New_PKG_VERSION) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/trojan-go
sed -i "13c PKG_HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 trojan-go 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "trojan-go Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: trojan-go: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin trojan-go-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "trojan-go: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "trojan-go: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: trojan-go-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
trojan-go: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "trojan-go: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_trojan-go
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check v2ray-core
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-core
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '8p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
- name: Update v2ray-core
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-core
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "8c PKG_VERSION:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p v2ray-core && cd v2ray-core
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum v$New_PKG_VERSION) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-core
sed -i "13c PKG_HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 v2ray-core 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "v2ray-core Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: v2ray-core: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin v2ray-core-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "v2ray-core: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "v2ray-core: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: v2ray-core-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
v2ray-core: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "v2ray-core: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_v2ray-core
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check v2ray-plugin
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-plugin
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '9p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
- name: Update v2ray-plugin
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-plugin
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "9c PKG_VERSION:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p v2ray-plugin && cd v2ray-plugin
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum v$New_PKG_VERSION) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-plugin
sed -i "14c PKG_HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 v2ray-plugin 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "v2ray-plugin Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: v2ray-plugin: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin v2ray-plugin-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "v2ray-plugin: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "v2ray-plugin: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: v2ray-plugin-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
v2ray-plugin: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "v2ray-plugin: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_v2ray-plugin
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check xray-core
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/xray-core
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '4p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
- name: Update xray-core
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/xray-core
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "4c PKG_VERSION:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p xray-core && cd xray-core
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum v$New_PKG_VERSION) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/xray-core
sed -i "9c PKG_HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 xray-core 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "xray-core Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: xray-core: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin xray-core-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "xray-core: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "xray-core: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: xray-core-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
xray-core: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "xray-core: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_xray-core
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check xray-plugin
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/xray-plugin
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '8p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
- name: Update xray-plugin
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/xray-plugin
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "8c PKG_VERSION:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p xray-plugin && cd xray-plugin
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum v$New_PKG_VERSION) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/xray-plugin
sed -i "13c PKG_HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 xray-plugin 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "xray-plugin Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: xray-plugin: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin xray-plugin-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "xray-plugin: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "xray-plugin: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: xray-plugin-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
xray-plugin: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "xray-plugin: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_xray-plugin
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check v2ray-geoip
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-geodata
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '15p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
echo "${{ needs.job_init.outputs.v2ray_geodata_difference_commit_time }}"
- name: Update v2ray-geoip
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-geodata
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "15c GEOIP_VER:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p v2ray-geoip && cd v2ray-geoip
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION/geoip.dat
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum geoip.dat) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-geodata
sed -i "21c \ HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 geoip 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "geoip Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: geoip: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin v2ray-geoip-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "v2ray-geoip: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "v2ray-geoip: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: v2ray-geoip-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
v2ray-geoip: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "v2ray-geoip: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: job_v2ray-geoip
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
ref: 'packages'
- name: Initialization environment
run: |
cd && mkdir -p packages && cd packages
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Check v2ray-geosite
id: check
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-geodata
Old_PKG_VERSION=$(sed -n '24p' Makefile | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
New_PKG_VERSION=$(wget -qO- -t5 -T5 "" | grep "tag_name" | head -n 1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/ //g')
echo "目前版本: $Old_PKG_VERSION"
echo "最新版本: $New_PKG_VERSION"
if [ "$Old_PKG_VERSION" = "$New_PKG_VERSION" ];then echo "status=failure" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "版本为最新版本$New_PKG_VERSION,无需更新"; else echo "New_PKG_VERSION=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; echo "status=success" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT; fi;
echo "${{ needs.job_init.outputs.v2ray_geodata_difference_commit_time }}"
- name: Update v2ray-geosite
id: update
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && !cancelled()
run: |
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-geodata
New_PKG_VERSION=${{ steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION }}
sed -i "24c GEOSITE_VER:=$New_PKG_VERSION" Makefile
cd && cd packages && mkdir -p v2ray-geosite && cd v2ray-geosite
wget -P /$New_PKG_VERSION/dlc.dat
PKG_HASH=$(sha256sum dlc.dat) && PKG_HASH=${PKG_HASH%% *}
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall/v2ray-geodata
sed -i "30c \ HASH:=$PKG_HASH" Makefile
echo "已更新 geosite 版本到: $New_PKG_VERSION"
echo "geosite Hash:$PKG_HASH"
cd && cd packages
echo ":white_check_mark: geosite: update to $New_PKG_VERSION" >> commit_messages.txt
echo "version=$New_PKG_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
cd && cd work/openwrt-passwall/openwrt-passwall
echo "branch_exists=$(git ls-remote --heads origin v2ray-geosite-patches-$New_PKG_VERSION | tr -d '\n')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Git Auto Commit
# uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
# id: commit
# env:
# with:
# commit_message: "v2ray-geosite: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
# branch: packages
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
if: steps.check.outputs.status == 'success' && steps.check.outputs.New_PKG_VERSION != '' && steps.update.outputs.branch_exists == '' && !cancelled()
uses: peter-evans/[email protected]
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "v2ray-geosite: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
committer: smallprogram <[email protected]>
author: smallprogram <[email protected]>
signoff: false
branch: v2ray-geosite-patches-${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
base: packages
delete-branch: true
body: |
v2ray-geosite: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}
title: "v2ray-geosite: update to ${{ steps.update.outputs.version }}"
labels: |
draft: false