Small helper scripts for data transformation and analysis
List of scripts:
- read in miRNA counts <hairpin/mature>_counts.csv file from nf-core/smrnaseq, and converts it to
as input run rnadeseq. Requires a* - read in miRNA counts mir.Counts.csv output file from mirge3 workflow, and converts it to
as input to run rnadeseq. Requires a* filterSalmon.R
: to filter salmon files (quant.sf and quant.genes.sf) for genes, which were called DE using DESeq2 in qbic-pipelines/rnadeseq, but are extremely low expressed and cause wings in Volcano plots (see for example here:
The script has 4 positional arguments:
[1] The Salmon folder as one of the main result folders of nf-core/rnaseq in the style of "star_salmon/QbiCBarcode"
[2] The final DE table from the results folder of qbic-pipelines/rnadeseq, usually named "final_DE_gene_list.tsv"
[3] The baseMean value to filter for (genes with baseMean < this value will be removed from [1]
[4] Metadata file from the results folder of qbic-pipelines/rnadeseq, usually named "metadata.tsv"
[5] The tax2gene tsv file from the Salmon folder of a nf-core/rnaseq run, usually named "salmon_tx2gene.tsv"
Typical command to run and log the process is:
Rscript filterSalmon.R star_salmon final_DE_gene_list.tsv 5 metadata.tsv salmon_tx2gene.tsv 2>&1 | tee filterSalmon.log
- a*: an environment running python3 with packages