The main program is sim_vs_exp
Returns the output of the lock-in amplifier in a pump-probe experiment, the experiment is similar to [1]
To make sure that the results of the simulation are reasonable one should first test the pulse propagation using for: delta_tau = [min_delta, 0, max_delta] If the pulses after the simulation lie inside the window span and nothing strange is observed its a reasonable assumption to expect that it will work fine for the other delta_tau. If not a bigger window span, t_point or z_points should be tested first. The firts paper that used the simulator is [2]. The example is shown in work [3] and can also be cited
[1] Vallaitis, T., Koos, C., Bonk, R., Freude, W., Laemmlin, M., Meuer, C., Bimberg, D., et al. (2008). Slow and fast dynamics of gain and phase in a quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier. Optics express, 16(1), 170–178. Retrieved from
[2] Matres, J., Lacava, C., Ballesteros, G. C., Minzioni, P., Cristiani, I., Marti, J., Fédéli, J. M., et al. (2012). Low TPA and free-carrier effects in silicon nanocrystal-based horizontal slot waveguides. Opt. Express, 20(21), 23838–23845. doi:10.1364/OE.20.023838
[3] Matres, J., Ballesteros, G. C., Gautier, P., Marti, J., & Oton, C. J. (2013). High nonlinear figure-of-merit amorphous silicon waveguides. Opt. Express, 21(4), 1164–1170.