A very simple/limited interface to ganja.js written for c++
// A couple of example CGA objects
std::vector<double> test_obj{0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,4.23135483,4.23135483,0.48031496,0.48031496,0.95680003,1.2228812,1.2228812,-0.06350011,-0.28372776,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
std::vector<double> test_obj2{0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,-0.08525168,3.49464756,3.52703718,-1.59496133,-1.62835966,0.76309611,0.64874369,0.65012918,0.18968262,-0.22823195,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
// Make the scene and add the objects
GanjaScene gs = GanjaScene();
gs.add_object(test_obj2, Color::RED);
// State what signature our algebra is from
std::vector<double> sig{1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,-1.0};
std::string html = generate_full_html(gs.as_string(), sig, 0.1);
// Write the output to an html file
std::ofstream myfile;
myfile.open ("example.html");
myfile << html;
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include "cga.h"
#include "../../GanjaScene.h"
// Convenience function to get a double in the range a -> b
double rand_float_range(double a, double b){
return ((b - a) * ((double)rand() / RAND_MAX)) + a;
// Convenience function to get a random point near the origin
CGA random_point(double scale=1){
return up(rand_float_range(-scale, scale),
rand_float_range(-scale, scale),
rand_float_range(-scale, scale));
// Convenience function to get a random line near the origin
CGA random_line(double scale=1){
return (random_point(scale)^random_point(scale)^ni).normalized();
// Convenience function to get a random circle near the origin
CGA random_circle(double scale=1){
return (random_point(scale)^random_point(scale)^random_point(scale)).normalized();
// Convenience function to get a random plane near the origin
CGA random_plane(double scale=1){
return (random_point(scale)^random_point(scale)^random_point(scale)^ni).normalized();
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
// We will seed the RNG to get different results
unsigned int seed = time(NULL);
srand (seed);
// Print the seed in case we like the look
// of the scene and want to recreate
std::cout << "Seed: " << seed << std::endl;
// Ok lets make some objects
CGA point = random_point();
CGA line = random_line();
CGA circle = random_circle();
CGA plane = random_plane();
// Make the GanjaScene and add the objects to it
GanjaScene gs = GanjaScene();
gs.add_object(point, Color::BLACK); // You can specify color explicitly
gs.add_object(line, Color::RED);
gs.add_object(circle, Color::BLUE);
gs.add_object(plane); // Or allow it to default to a semi-see-through grey
// State what signature our algebra is from
std::vector<double> sig{1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,-1.0};
std::string html = generate_full_html(gs.as_string(), sig);
// Write the output to an html file
std::ofstream myfile;
myfile.open ("example.html");
myfile << html;
return 0;