rogdrv is a simple ASUS ROG userspace mouse driver for Linux. The mouse device consists of 2 input devices: mouse and keyboard. The keyboard part is unsupported on Linux, but it's recognised as HID device. So this driver maps HID events to the generic keyboard events.
The protocol was reverse-engineered, so everything is experimental. Use at your own risk.
- ASUS ROG Pugio (most features work)
- ASUS ROG Strix Impact (switching LED works, everything other is untested)
There is a chance that a driver can be compatible with other mouse devices from ASUS ROG (Republic of Gamers) series.
- Virtual uinput device
- Button bindings
- LED colors customization
- Profile switching
- DPI setting
- Polling rate setting
- python >= 3.0
- python-hidapi + python-cffi (hidapi-cffi)
- python-evdev
- gir-appindicator3
apt install python3-hidapi python3-evdev gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1
Userspace driver installation:
sudo python3 install
You need r/w permissions for /dev/hidrawX file of your mouse. You can solve this by installing a custom udev rules:
sudo cp -f udev/50-rogdrv.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
Userspace driver consists of 2 programs: rogdrv and rogdrv-config
rogdrv is a virtual uinput device driver which converts mouse events into uinput events.
Usage: rogdrv [--console]
--help - display help
--console - starts in pure console mode, disables tray icon
rogdrv-config is a mouse configuration tool.
rogdrv-config --help - display help
rogdrv-config actions - display list of actions
rogdrv-config bind [button action] - bind a button or display list of bindings
button: button no. (1-10)
action: action code (241 or 0xF1 or 0xf1)
rogdrv-config color [name r g b [mode] [brght]] - get/set LED colors
name: logo, wheel, bottom, all
r: red (0-255)
g: green (0-255)
b: blue (0-255)
mode: default, breath, rainbow, wave, reactive, flasher
brght: brightness 0-4
rogdrv-config profile [value] - get/set profile
value: profile no. (1-3)
rogdrv-config dpi [value [type]] - get/set DPI
value: DPI (50-7200)
type: 1 (default) or 2
rogdrv-config rate [rate] - get/set polling rate
rate: rate in Hz (125, 250, 500, 1000)