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@andreaskurth andreaskurth released this 28 Feb 16:24
· 976 commits to master since this release

Changes since 0.14.0


  • axi_burst_splitter: Split AXI4 bursts to single-beat transactions.


  • axi_lite_to_apb: The psel field of the apb_req_t struct is now a single bit. That is, every
    APB slave has its own request struct. Accordingly, apb_req_o is now an array with NoApbSlaves
  • axi_decerr_slv has been replaced by a more generic axi_err_slv, which takes the kind of error
    as parameter. This axi_err_slv no longer has a FallThrough parameter; instead, a response
    (i.e., B or R beat) now always comes one cycle after the AW or AR beat (as required by the AXI
    Spec) but the slave can accept a W beat in the same cycle as the corresponding AW beat.
    Additionally, axi_err_slv got a parameter ATOPs that defines if it supports atomic operations.
  • axi_to_axi_lite: Rework module to structs and add burst support.


  • axi_demux: The case statement controlling the counters had not been specified unique even
    though it qualified for it. This has been fixed.
  • axi_lite_mux_intf: Fix signal names in internal assignments, names of parameters of
    axi_lite_mux instance, and typos in assertion messages.