Javascript and jQuery based component for making swipable containers for touch devides and with mouse usage.
Simple mouse/finger swipable textbox:
The css variant with inline-blocks and no predefined width works only with no spaces between boxes in html. It can be used also with float left boxes but then #swipable must have a width that fits all boxes.
#swipable-wrap { width: 800px; height: 400px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; }
#swipeable { position: relative; white-space: nowrap; }
.swipable-box { width: 800px; height: 400px; display: inline-block; overflow: hidden;}
<div id="swipeable">
<div class="swipable-box">
</div><div class="swipable-box">
</div><div class="swipable-box">
<script type="text/javascript">
box_element: '.swipable-box', // classname of box elements
move_treshold: 0.15, // fraction of width needed to drag to trigger scroll to another page
tap_treshold: 0.05, // if less than this fraction of width moved, tap event is triggered on scroll box
fixed_stops: true // if false autoscroll to closest slide is disabled
If movement of less than tap treshold occurs. "tap" event is triggered on ".swipable-box"
$('.swipable-box').on('tap', function() { alert('tap'); });
After scroll animation finishes "scrollstop" event is triggered on "#swipeable" with index of scroll page position as second parameter
$('#swipeable').on("scrollstop", function(event, index) {
alert("Scrolled to index: " + index);
#Actions Example of accessing inner functions
// to next slide
$('#next').click(function() {
// to prev slide
$('#prev').click(function() {
// slide to third slide (index 2 as list is 0 based)
$('#to3').click(function() {
// switch to third slide without animation
$('#to3_i').click(function() {
$('#swipeable').scroller().move_to(2, true);
NB! Will update the gallery example soon. Current one will not work with new library.