Plan recognition in latent space
Documentation for dependencies installation here.
Python 3.5+ is used in this repository. The following Python dependencies are needed to run our approach (pygame is only necessary for the N-Puzzle demo):
pip install matplotlib
pip install opencv-python
pip install timeout-decorator
pip install tensorflow
pip install keras
pip install pillow
pip install pygame
You can download the network (6x6 latent space) for encoding 8-puzzle Mnist here:
Currently our approach works using FD (set link here) and MauPlanner (in-house planner not available). In you can change the directory of FD.
To train the networks use:
Output is going to "samples/<problem_name>". Encoder and decoder weights are being saved there.
To generate the PDDL domains, use:
This will output the PDDL domains in the folder domains/, along with the logs for generating each domain.
To generate goal recognition problems used in our tests, run:
The output will be sent to the folder output/.