Releases: pt-plugins/PT-Plugin-Plus
Releases · pt-plugins/PT-Plugin-Plus
What's Changed
- fix(qingwa): user level upgrade requirements by @ZCBQET in #2048
- 添加思维导图 by @SHL-COOL in #2058
- feat: add site support: PTLGS by @yxlimo in #2055
- fix: some data query problem (byr and hdkyl) by @hui-shao in #2062
- fix(crabpt):更新蟹黄堡升级条件和用户权限 by @SinonJZH in #2065
New Contributors
- @ZCBQET made their first contribution in #2048
- @yxlimo made their first contribution in #2055
- @SinonJZH made their first contribution in #2065
Full Changelog: v1.6.1.2771...v1.6.1.2778
What's Changed
- feat(discfan): support search status by @haowenwu in #2043
- fix(luminance): adjust joinTime position by @haowenwu in #2052
Full Changelog: v1.6.1.2765...v1.6.1.2771
What's Changed
- fix(hares):修复数据获取,种子搜索 by @SHL-COOL in #2028
- feat: add lemonhd by @haowenwu in #2030
- fix(hhanclub): remove "[新]" in title when getting search results by @ixff in #2032
- fix: convert files with DOS line breaks to Unix line breaks by @tomyangsh in #1997
- fix: 部分站点无法显示自定义搜索入口 by @SHL-COOL in #2035
- fix:添加站点窗口自动关闭 by @SHL-COOL in #2044
Full Changelog: v1.6.1.2758...v1.6.1.2765
What's Changed
- 更新pig信息 by @xqw8889 in #2019
- fix: 右键发送到使用cdn匹配站点 by @SHL-COOL in #2014
- feat: 优化 mergeSchemaTagSelectors by @SHL-COOL in #2023
- 增加适配PTzone by @xusky0328 in #2022
- feat(raingfh): new site by @G-LiuJunYu in #2004
- fix(xingtan): bonus per hour. by @hui-shao in #2025
- fix(jpop): 当关闭 torrent grouping 时,从搜索结果中获取种子报错 by @ixff in #2001
New Contributors
- @G-LiuJunYu made their first contribution in #2004
Full Changelog: v1.6.1.2749...v1.6.1.2758
What's Changed
- fix(tjupt): 站点搜索范围功能失效 by @ixff in #1999
- feat:调整图表样式 by @declandragon in #1994
- fix:PTPP 使用 IMDB 编码搜索 Lolicon PT 的问题 by @bluicezhen in #2013
New Contributors
- @bluicezhen made their first contribution in #2013
Full Changelog: v1.6.1.2743...v1.6.1.2749
What's Changed
- feat(bitporn): new site by @tomyangsh in #1984
- fix(fsm): send torrent in detail page by @tomyangsh in #1986
- feat(milkie): new site by @tomyangsh in #1985
- fix(milkie): auth with api key by @tomyangsh in #1988
- feat: authTokenTip by @tomyangsh in #1989
- feat(superbits): searchEntry by @tomyangsh in #1990
- feat(digitalcore): searchEntry by @tomyangsh in #1991
- fix(fsm): joinTime & add default apiCdn by @mitlearn in #1992
- fix(hhanclub): 搜索结果无法获取发布时间 by @ixff in #1996
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.6.1.2731...v1.6.1.2743
What's Changed
- fix(btschool): 修复数据获取 by @SHL-COOL in #1978
- fix(star-space):修复搜索结果时间格式不正确 by @SHL-COOL in #1974
- feat(PTP): add freeleech tag by @tomyangsh in #1979
- feat(pornbay): new site by @tomyangsh in #1982
- feat( new site by @tomyangsh in #1983
- fix(ptvicomo): 修复搜索种子详情不显示 by @SHL-COOL in #1980
New Contributors
- @tomyangsh made their first contribution in #1979
Full Changelog: v1.6.1.2723...v1.6.1.2731
What's Changed
- fix(dt): domain change by @Bright-W in #1929
- fix(mt): fix mt refresh rate limited by @jiang925 in #1938
- feat: some site change by @ted423 in #1932
- fix(putao): seeding number by @hui-shao in #1947
- fix(HDDolby): levelRequirements #1922 by @hui-shao in #1948
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.6.1.2693...v1.6.1.2710