This project is a replication of Study 3 by Porter et al. (2016), Psychological Science. The project is part of the PSYCH251 class at Stanford University in autumn 2023.
In the /data folder, I have shared both the answers to the questionnaire as well as the demographic information provided by Prolific regarding the participants' detailed information. In order to match the two, I created a randomly generated new ID for each participant to replace the old prolific ID information. The annoymization process was conducted using the Annoynimization.ipynb script, not the previously provided script.
Data shared by the original article could be found in the /original_paper folder. The detailed analysis step is in the /writeup folder.
The survey material is provided in the survey.qsf file.
Below are links to other related materials:
- Link to the Current Project Report
- Link to the Qualtrics Survey
- Link to the GitHub repository
- Link to the Preregistraion
- Link to the Original study
- Link to the Previous Replication