Copyright (C) 2015-2016 David Capello
Distributed under MIT license
Library to copy/retrieve content to/from the clipboard/pasteboard.
- Copy/paste UTF-8 text on Windows and OS X.
- Copy/paste RGB/RGBA images on Windows and OS X.
- Copy/paste user-defined data on Windows and OS X.
#include "clip.h"
#include <iostream>
int main() {
clip::set_text("Hello World");
std::string value;
std::cout << value << "\n";
#include "clip.h"
int main() {
clip::format my_format =
int value = 32;
clip::lock l;
l.set_data(clip::text_format(), "Alternative text for value 32");
l.set_data(my_format, &value, sizeof(int));
- Support Linux (GTK? KDE? X11?) clipboard
- Add support to copy/paste images on Linux
- Add support to copy/paste user-defined formats on Linux