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Merge pull request #277 from profunktor/feature/pipelining-using-hlists
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Pipelining using HLists
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gvolpe authored May 9, 2020
2 parents 466437b + dbaa990 commit 99e03f4
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package dev.profunktor.redis4cats

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.implicits._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.Log
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.hlist._
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace

object pipeline {

case class RedisPipeline[F[_]: Bracket[*[_], Throwable]: Log, K, V](
case object PipelineError extends NoStackTrace

case class RedisPipeline[F[_]: Concurrent: Log: Timer, K, V](
cmd: RedisCommands[F, K, V]
) {
def run[A](fa: F[A]): F[A] ="Pipeline started") *>
.bracketCase(_ => fa) {
case (_, ExitCase.Completed) => cmd.flushCommands *>"Pipeline completed")
case (_, ExitCase.Error(e)) => F.error(s"Pipeline failed: ${e.getMessage}")
case (_, ExitCase.Canceled) => F.error("Pipeline canceled")

def exec[T <: HList, R <: HList](commands: T)(implicit w: Witness.Aux[T, R]): F[R] =
name = "Pipeline",
mainCmd = cmd.disableAutoFlush,
onComplete = (_: Runner.CancelFibers[F]) => cmd.flushCommands,
onError = F.unit,
afterCompletion = cmd.enableAutoFlush,
mkError = () => PipelineError


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Expand Up @@ -259,13 +259,13 @@ private[redis4cats] class BaseRedis[F[_]: Concurrent: ContextShift, K, V](

/******************************* AutoFlush API **********************************/
override def enableAutoFlush: F[Unit] =
async.flatMap(c => F.delay(c.setAutoFlushCommands(true)))
blocker.blockOn(async.flatMap(c => blocker.delay(c.setAutoFlushCommands(true))))

override def disableAutoFlush: F[Unit] =
async.flatMap(c => F.delay(c.setAutoFlushCommands(false)))
blocker.blockOn(async.flatMap(c => blocker.delay(c.setAutoFlushCommands(false))))

override def flushCommands: F[Unit] =
async.flatMap(c => F.delay(c.flushCommands()))
blocker.blockOn(async.flatMap(c => blocker.delay(c.flushCommands())))

/******************************* Strings API **********************************/
override def append(key: K, value: V): F[Unit] =
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@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
* Copyright 2018-2020 ProfunKtor
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package dev.profunktor.redis4cats

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Deferred
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.implicits._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.Log
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.hlist._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

object Runner {
type CancelFibers[F[_]] = Throwable => F[Unit]

case class Ops[F[_]](
name: String,
mainCmd: F[Unit],
onComplete: CancelFibers[F] => F[Unit],
onError: F[Unit],
afterCompletion: F[Unit],
mkError: () => Throwable

def apply[F[_]: Concurrent: Log: Timer]: RunnerPartiallyApplied[F] =
new RunnerPartiallyApplied[F]

private[redis4cats] class RunnerPartiallyApplied[F[_]: Concurrent: Log: Timer] {

def exec[T <: HList, R <: HList](ops: Runner.Ops[F])(commands: T)(implicit w: Witness.Aux[T, R]): F[R] =
Deferred[F, Either[Throwable, w.R]].flatMap { promise =>
def cancelFibers[A](fibs: HList)(err: Throwable): F[Unit] =
joinOrCancel(fibs, HNil)(false).void >> promise.complete(err.asLeft)"${} started") >>
.makeCase(ops.mainCmd >> runner(commands, HNil)) {
case ((fibs: HList), ExitCase.Completed) =>
for {
_ <-"${} completed")
_ <- ops.onComplete(cancelFibers(fibs))
tr <- joinOrCancel(fibs, HNil)(true)
// Casting here is fine since we have a `Witness` that proves this true
_ <- promise.complete(tr.asInstanceOf[w.R].asRight)
} yield ()
case ((fibs: HList), ExitCase.Error(e)) =>
F.error(s"${} failed: ${e.getMessage}") >>
case ((fibs: HList), ExitCase.Canceled) =>
F.error(s"${} canceled") >>
case _ =>
F.error("Kernel panic: the impossible happened!")
.use(_ => F.unit)
.guarantee(ops.afterCompletion) >> promise.get.rethrow.timeout(3.seconds)

// Forks every command in order
private def runner[H <: HList, G <: HList](ys: H, res: G): F[Any] =
ys match {
case HNil => F.pure(res)
case HCons((h: F[_] @unchecked), t) => h.start.flatMap(fb => runner(t, fb :: res))

// Joins or cancel fibers correspondent to previous executed commands
private def joinOrCancel[H <: HList, G <: HList](ys: H, res: G)(isJoin: Boolean): F[Any] =
ys match {
case HNil => F.pure(res)
case HCons((h: Fiber[F, Any] @unchecked), t) if isJoin =>
h.join.flatMap(x => joinOrCancel(t, x :: res)(isJoin))
case HCons((h: Fiber[F, Any] @unchecked), t) =>
h.cancel.flatMap(x => joinOrCancel(t, x :: res)(isJoin))
case HCons(h, t) =>
F.error(s"Unexpected result: ${h.toString}") >> joinOrCancel(t, res)(isJoin)

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package dev.profunktor.redis4cats

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent._
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.implicits._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.Log
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.hlist._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace

object transactions {
Expand All @@ -46,52 +43,16 @@ object transactions {
* may end in unexpected results such as a dead lock.
def exec[T <: HList, R <: HList](commands: T)(implicit w: Witness.Aux[T, R]): F[R] =
Deferred[F, Either[Throwable, w.R]].flatMap { promise =>
// Forks every command in order
def runner[H <: HList, G <: HList](ys: H, res: G): F[Any] =
ys match {
case HNil => F.pure(res)
case HCons((h: F[_] @unchecked), t) => h.start.flatMap(fb => runner(t, fb :: res))

// Joins or cancel fibers correspondent to previous executed commands
def joinOrCancel[H <: HList, G <: HList](ys: H, res: G)(isJoin: Boolean): F[Any] =
ys match {
case HNil => F.pure(res)
case HCons((h: Fiber[F, Any] @unchecked), t) if isJoin =>
h.join.flatMap(x => joinOrCancel(t, x :: res)(isJoin))
case HCons((h: Fiber[F, Any] @unchecked), t) =>
h.cancel.flatMap(x => joinOrCancel(t, x :: res)(isJoin))
case HCons(h, t) =>
F.error(s"Unexpected result: ${h.toString}") >> joinOrCancel(t, res)(isJoin)

def cancelFibers(fibs: HList, err: Throwable = TransactionAborted): F[Unit] =
joinOrCancel(fibs, HNil)(false).void >> promise.complete(err.asLeft)

val tx =
Resource.makeCase(cmd.multi >> runner(commands, HNil)) {
case ((fibs: HList), ExitCase.Completed) =>
for {
_ <-"Transaction completed")
_ <- cmd.exec.handleErrorWith(e => cancelFibers(fibs, e) >> F.raiseError(e))
tr <- joinOrCancel(fibs, HNil)(true)
// Casting here is fine since we have a `Witness` that proves this true
_ <- promise.complete(tr.asInstanceOf[w.R].asRight)
} yield ()
case ((fibs: HList), ExitCase.Error(e)) =>
F.error(s"Transaction failed: ${e.getMessage}") >>
case ((fibs: HList), ExitCase.Canceled) =>
F.error("Transaction canceled") >>
case _ =>
F.error("Kernel panic: the impossible happened!")
}"Transaction started") >>
(tx.use(_ => F.unit) >> promise.get.rethrow).timeout(3.seconds)
name = "Transaction",
mainCmd = cmd.multi,
onComplete = (f: Runner.CancelFibers[F]) => cmd.exec.handleErrorWith(e => f(e) >> F.raiseError(e)),
onError = cmd.discard,
afterCompletion = F.unit,
mkError = () => TransactionAborted


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Expand Up @@ -20,18 +20,20 @@ import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.connection._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.Log
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.hlist._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.pipeline._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException

object RedisPipelineDemo extends LoggerIOApp {

import Demo._

def program(implicit log: Log[IO]): IO[Unit] = {
val key = "testp"
val key1 = "testp1"
val key2 = "testp2"

val showResult: Int => Option[String] => IO[Unit] = n =>
_.fold(putStrLn(s"Not found key $key-$n"))(s => putStrLn(s))
val showResult: String => Option[String] => IO[Unit] = key =>
_.fold(putStrLn(s"Not found key: $key"))(s => putStrLn(s"$key: $s"))

val commandsApi: Resource[IO, RedisCommands[IO, String, String]] =
for {
Expand All @@ -42,16 +44,29 @@ object RedisPipelineDemo extends LoggerIOApp {

.use { cmd =>
def traversal(f: Int => IO[Unit]): IO[Unit] =
List.range(0, 50).traverse(f).void
val getters =
cmd.get(key1).flatTap(showResult(key1)) *>

val setters: IO[Unit] =
traversal(n => cmd.set(s"$key-$n", (n * 2).toString).start.void)
val operations =
cmd.set(key1, "noop") :: cmd.set(key2, "windows") :: cmd.get(key1) ::
cmd.set(key1, "nix") :: cmd.set(key2, "linux") :: cmd.get(key1) :: HNil

val getters: IO[Unit] =
traversal(n => cmd.get(s"$key-$n").flatMap(showResult(n)))
val prog =
.flatMap {
case _ ~: _ ~: res1 ~: _ ~: _ ~: res2 ~: HNil =>
putStrLn(s"res1: $res1, res2: $res2")
.onError {
case PipelineError =>
putStrLn("[Error] - Pipeline failed")
case _: TimeoutException =>
putStrLn("[Error] - Timeout")

RedisPipeline(cmd).run(setters) *> IO.sleep(2.seconds) *> getters
getters >> prog >> getters >> putStrLn("keep doing stuff...")

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Expand Up @@ -44,8 +44,6 @@ object RedisTransactionsDemo extends LoggerIOApp {

.use { cmd =>
val tx = RedisTransaction(cmd)

val getters =
cmd.get(key1).flatTap(showResult(key1)) *>
Expand All @@ -59,7 +57,8 @@ object RedisTransactionsDemo extends LoggerIOApp {

//type Res = Unit :: Unit :: Option[String] :: Unit :: Unit :: Option[String] :: HNil
val prog =
.flatMap {
case _ ~: _ ~: res1 ~: _ ~: _ ~: res2 ~: HNil =>
putStrLn(s"res1: $res1, res2: $res2")
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ class RedisClusterSpec extends Redis4CatsFunSuite(true) with TestScenarios {

test("cluster: scripts")(withRedis(scriptsScenario))

test("cluster: pipelining")(withRedisCluster(pipelineScenario))

// FIXME: The Cluster impl cannot connect to a single node just yet
// test("cluster: transactions")(withRedisCluster(transactionScenario))

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Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ class RedisSpec extends Redis4CatsFunSuite(false) with TestScenarios {

test("connection api")(withRedis(connectionScenario))


test("transactions: successful")(withRedis(transactionScenario))

test("transactions: canceled")(withRedis(canceledTransactionScenario))
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Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ import cats.implicits._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.Log
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effects._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.hlist._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.transactions._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.pipeline.RedisPipeline
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.transactions.RedisTransaction
import io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs
import scala.concurrent.duration._

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,17 +250,34 @@ trait TestScenarios {
_ <- IO(assert(slowLogLen.isValidLong))
} yield ()

def pipelineScenario(cmd: RedisCommands[IO, String, String]): IO[Unit] = {
val key1 = "testp1"
val key2 = "testp2"

val operations =
cmd.set(key1, "osx") :: cmd.set(key2, "windows") :: cmd.get(key1) :: cmd.sIsMember("foo", "bar") ::
cmd.set(key1, "nix") :: cmd.set(key2, "linux") :: cmd.get(key1) :: HNil

RedisPipeline(cmd).exec(operations).map {
case _ ~: _ ~: res1 ~: res2 ~: _ ~: _ ~: res3 ~: HNil =>
assert(res2 === false)
case tr =>
assert(false, s"Unexpected result: $tr")


def transactionScenario(cmd: RedisCommands[IO, String, String]): IO[Unit] = {
val key1 = "test1"
val key2 = "test2"

val tx = RedisTransaction(cmd)

val operations =
cmd.set(key1, "osx") :: cmd.set(key2, "windows") :: cmd.get(key1) :: cmd.sIsMember("foo", "bar") ::
cmd.set(key1, "nix") :: cmd.set(key2, "linux") :: cmd.get(key1) :: HNil

tx.exec(operations).map {
RedisTransaction(cmd).exec(operations).map {
case _ ~: _ ~: res1 ~: res2 ~: _ ~: _ ~: res3 ~: HNil =>
assert(res2 === false)
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