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This repository contains the Citrix NetScaler Ingress Controller built around Kubernetes Ingress. This controller automatically configures one or more Citrix NetScaler ADC based on Ingress resource configuration . Learn more about using Ingress on

What is an Ingress Controller?

An Ingress Controller is a controller that watches the Kubernetes API server for updates to the Ingress resource and reconfigures the Ingress load balancer accordingly.

The Citrix Ingress Controller can be deployed on GKE by using helm charts.

Citrix Ingress Controller Features

Features supported by Citrix Ingress Controller can be found here


Command line instructions

You can use Google Cloud Shell or a local workstation to complete these steps.

Open in Cloud Shell


Set up command-line tools

You'll need the following tools in your development environment. If you are using Cloud Shell, gcloud, kubectl, Docker, and Git are installed in your environment by default.

Configure gcloud as a Docker credential helper:

gcloud auth configure-docker

Create 3 VPC networks, subnets and respective firewall rules

Create a VPC for Management traffic

gcloud compute --project=some-example-project networks create k8s-mgmt --subnet-mode=custom
gcloud compute --project=some-example-project networks subnets create k8s-mgmt-subnet --network=k8s-mgmt --region=asia-south1 --range=
gcloud compute firewall-rules create k8s-allow-mgmt --network k8s-mgmt --allow tcp:443,tcp:80,tcp:22

Create a VPC for Server side or Private communication with the Kubernetes cluster

gcloud compute --project=some-example-project networks create k8s-server --subnet-mode=custom
gcloud compute --project=some-example-project networks subnets create k8s-server-subnet --network=k8s-server --region=asia-south1 --range=
gcloud compute firewall-rules create k8s-allow-server --network k8s-server --allow tcp:443,tcp:80

Create a VPC for Client traffic

gcloud compute --project=some-example-project networks create k8s-client --subnet-mode=custom
gcloud compute --project=some-example-project networks subnets create k8s-client-subnet --network=k8s-client --region=asia-south1 --range=
gcloud compute firewall-rules create k8s-allow-client --network k8s-client --allow tcp:443,tcp:80

Create a 3 node GKE cluster

gcloud beta container --project "some-example-project" clusters create "citrix-cic" --zone "asia-south1-a" --username "admin" --cluster-version "1.11.8-gke.6" --machine-type "n1-standard-2" --image-type "COS" --disk-type "pd-standard" --disk-size "100"  --num-nodes "3" --network "projects/some-example-project/global/networks/k8s-server" --subnetwork "projects/some-example-project/regions/asia-south1/subnetworks/k8s-server-subnet" --addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing

Connect to the created Kubernetes cluster and create a cluster-admin role for your Google Account

gcloud container clusters get-credentials citrix-cic --zone asia-south1-a --project some-example-project 

Now your kubectl client is updated with the credentials required to login to the newly created Kubernetes cluster

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cpx-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=<email of the gcp account>

Deploying a Citrix ADC VPX instance on Google Cloud

Follow the guide Deploy a Citrix ADC VPX instance on Google Cloud Platform to download the VPX from Citrix Downloads, uploading to Google Cloud's storage and to create a Citrix ADC VPX image out of it.

Create a VPX instance (assuming you have already created the VPX image)

gcloud compute --project=some-example-project instances create vpx-frontend-ingress --zone=asia-south1-a --machine-type=n1-standard-4 --network-interface subnet=k8s-mgmt-subnet --network-interface subnet=k8s-server-subnet --network-interface subnet=k8s-client-subnet --image=vpx-gcp-12-1-51-16 --image-project=some-example-project --boot-disk-size=20GB

IMPORTANT After executing the above command, it would return both the private IPs and the Public IPs of the newly created VPX instance. Make a note of it.


# gcloud compute --project=some-example-project instances create vpx-frontend-ingress --zone=asia-south1-a --machine-type=n1-standard-4 --network-interface subnet=k8s-mgmt-subnet --network-interface subnet=k8s-server-subnet --network-interface subnet=k8s-client-subnet --image=vpx-gcp-12-1-51-16 --image-project=some-example-project --boot-disk-size=20GB
Created [].
NAME                  ZONE           MACHINE_TYPE   PREEMPTIBLE  INTERNAL_IP                       EXTERNAL_IP                   STATUS
vpx-frontend-ingress  asia-south1-a  n1-standard-4     ,,,,       RUNNING

Explanation of the IP address captured from previous output:

Private IP Public IP Network Comments Management NSIP Server SNIP (to communicate with K8s) Client VIP (to receive incoming traffic)

NOTE The external IPs has been replaced to dummy IPs for obvious reasons.

Basic configurtion of VPX

Login to the newly created VPX instance and do some basic configs

ssh [email protected]
<input the password>

clear config -force full
add ns ip -type snip -mgmt enabled
enable ns mode MBF

Now the VPX instance is ready

Clone this repo

Clone this repo and the associated tools repo:

git clone --recursive

Install the Application resource definition

An Application resource is a collection of individual Kubernetes components, such as Services, Deployments, and so on, that you can manage as a group.

To set up your cluster to understand Application resources, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f ""

You need to run this command once.

The Application resource is defined by the Kubernetes SIG-apps community. The source code can be found on

Install the Application

Go to GoogleCloudPlatform/click-to-deploy/k8s folder and clone this repo. Go to citrix-ingress-controller-gcp-marketplace directory:

cd click-to-deploy/k8s
git clone
cd citrix-ingress-controller-gcp-marketplace/

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Citrix Ingress Controller chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
license.accept Set to accept to accept the terms of the Citrix license no
cic.image Image Repository
cic.pullPolicy CIC Image Pull Policy Always
loginFileName Secret keys for login into NetScaler VPX or MPX Refer Secret Keys nslogin
nsIP NetScaler VPX/MPX IP x.x.x.x
nsPort Optional:This port is used by Citrix Ingress Controller to communicate with NetScaler. Can use 80 for HTTP 443
nsProtocol Optional:This protocol is used by Citrix Ingress Controller to communicate with NetScaler. Can use HTTP with nsPort as 80 HTTPS
logLevel Optional: This is used for controlling the logs generated from Citrix Ingress Controller. options available are CRITICAL ERROR WARNING INFO DEBUG DEBUG
ingressClass Name of Ingress Classes nil
nodeWatch Use for automatic route configuration on NetScaler towards the pod network false
exporter.required Exporter to be run as sidecar with CIC false
exporter.image Exporter image repository
exporter.pullPolicy Exporter Image Pull Policy Always
exporter.ports.containerPort Exporter Container Port 8888

Assign values to the required parameters:

  • NS_IP should be replaced with the NSIP or SNIP with management access enabled of the VPX instance. In my example it is ""
  • NS_VIP should be replaced with the VIP (Client side IP) of the VPX instance. In my example it is ""
NSIP=<NSIP-of-VPX-instance or SNIP-with-management-access-enabled>

Create a service account with required permissions:

cat service_account.yaml | sed -e "s/{NAMESPACE}/$CITRIX_NAMESPACE/g" -e "s/{SERVICEACCOUNTNAME}/$CITRIX_SERVICEACCOUNT/g" | kubectl create -f -

NOTE: The above are the mandatory parameters. In addition to these you can also assign values to the parameters mentioned in the above table.

Create a template for the chart using the parameters you want to set:

helm template chart/citrix-k8s-ingress-controller \
  --name $CITRIX_NAME \
  --namespace $CITRIX_NAMESPACE \
  --set license.accept=yes \
  --set serviceAccount=$CITRIX_SERVICEACCOUNT \
  --set nsIP=$NSIP \
  --set nsVIP=$NSVIP > /tmp/$CITRIX_NAME.yaml

Finally, deploy the chart:

kubectl create -f /tmp/$CITRIX_NAME.yaml

Uninstall the Application

Delete the application, service account and cluster:

kubectl delete -f /tmp/$CITRIX_NAME.yaml
cat service_account.yaml | sed -e "s/{NAMESPACE}/$CITRIX_NAMESPACE/g" -e "s/{SERVICEACCOUNTNAME}/$CITRIX_SERVICEACCOUNT/g" | kubectl delete -f -
gcloud container clusters delete citrix-cic --zone asia-south1-a

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the Kubernetes Community Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


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