Senti-Surfer is a research project developed by 4th-semester CS students at Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, as part of our COMP 207 course. The project aims to create a web extension for sentiment analysis of bilingual social media content to gain useful insights from the data.
Have Node and Anaconda installed in your computer.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory and install dependencies
cd Senti-Surfer
npm install
Create a .env file and add Google API key. Your env file should look like this:
VITE_YTAPI_KEY = your_api_key
Build the project
npm run build
Go to server directory and install dependencies
cd server
pip install requirements.txt
1. Open extension settings in your web browser and activate developer mode.
2. Click on "Load unpacked" to load the dist folder located in the project directory.
3. Go to server directory and start server
> uvicorn server:app --reload