This project is licensed under Apache v2.
This module provides an implementation of
for loading spring authentication based on a JWT access token in a incoming request.
FastTokenServices is a alternative for
It is "fast" because it does not make calls to UAA’s /check_token endpoint every time it verifies a token.
Instead, it caches UAA’s token public key after the first fetch for a defined TTL (see property issuerPublicKeyTTLMillis
), to verify the JWT in the request.
To use FastTokenServices, update spring config and specify an exact list of trusted issuers. Example bean:
<oauth:resource-server id="oauth2remoteTokenFilter" token-services-ref="tokenServices" />
<bean id="tokenServices" class="">
<property name="storeClaims" value="true" />
<util:list id="trustedIssuers" value-type="java.lang.String">
<!-- And optionally, to customize issuerPublicKey refresh interval (default is 24 hours)
<property name="issuerPublicKeyTTLMillis" value="3600000L" />