Once you clone the repository make sure to create a Firebase app and do the relevant things (i.e. registering the app on Firebase, downloading json file from Firebase console and so on. If you take up a issue which can be solved without doing the Firebase stuff then you can commit by fixing that bug itself. I have tried to not get into the mess of setting up Firebase as much as possible for these issues. All the Best!
A simple Flutter App to add Tasks with User Authentication from Firebase.
- Clone this repository in your device
- Open the task folder in Android Studio or any other IDE of choice
- Run "flutter pub get" command in Terminal to get dependencies
- Use Android Studio to get an emulator
- Run "flutter run" command in Terminal to Build and Run the app in emulator
- Implemented Text Animations
- Used Firestore and Firebase Authentication
- Realtime Updates in Firebase NoSQL Database
- Implement Google Sign In
- Implement Date and Time Picker
- Provide Offline/Online Push Notifications regarding Tasks