INCME (Include Me) is a tool that eliminates the repetition of code when you have to create static HTML pages.
$ ruby simple-site-maker.rb --source-dir=<path-of-source-dir> --dest-dir=<path-to-dest-dir>
source-dir : The directory that contains the html pages and the include pages
dest-dir: The directory to be created with the generated pages
All the pages are parsed through for the [[inc: <include_file_name>]] tag and that tag is replaced with the contents of the include_file. Thats it !
include_file: the include file needs to be available at /includes/<include_file_name>
Note: currently js, exe, gif, png, jpeg files are not parsed
|- _includes_
|- <remaining files>
\- <remaining files>
_includes_ : This folder must contain all the include_files that can be accessed via [[inc: <include_file_name>]]. This is the only mandatory folder
|- _includes_
|- header
\- footer
|- index.html
\- logo.png
<title>Simple Site Maker</title>
[[inc: header]]
<img src="logo.png">
Hello World
[[inc: footer]]
$ ruby simple-site-maker.rb --source-dir=source --dest-dir=gen
#"gen" folder is created with "index.html" in it
<title>Simple Site Maker</title>
<img src="logo.png">
Hello World