App for the test challenge
- Ruby version 2.7.1
- Ruby on Rails 6.0
- Postgresql 12
- Memcached 1.6.6
- Dockerized app based on ruby-2.7.1-slim-buster (Debian) image
The app consists of two parts - frontend and backend.
Frontend is built with ReactJS hooks and React Router. App has two paths:
- shows list of recipes/recipes/{id}
- shows a single recipe.
When user opens any page it runs React app which sends requests to api backend. It doesn't matter which page is opened first.
Backend after receiving a request from the frontend does:
- if a list of recipes is requested it checks if the list is in the cache. If there's no list in the cache then the list is fetched from a data source (contentful). Then the list is stored in the cache for 1 minute since contentful has a limit of 55 rpm.
- if a single recipe is requested it tries to find the recipe in the local db. If there's no recipe in the local db then the recipe is fetched from remote data source and is persisted to local db.
- Modular architecture with SOLID and DRY principles
- Slim comtrollers and models. Main logic and functionality are in service objects
- Query objects use data sources injection
- Frontend app is built with ReactJS hooks and React Router
- Make sure a docker is installed on the system
- Clone the repo
- Export master key env variable
export RAILS_MASTER_KEY=e1693fd9b5020efc9c8d74c0189b8405
- Start dockerized app
docker-compose up
- Wait until rails server starts and open
in browser
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)