The PSP-Inventory module provides new cmdlets for you to inventorise your Windows environment. The following items are collected for you:
- System Info [CPU/Mem etc]
- Operating System Info
- Disk Info
- Network Info
- Installed Software
- Installed Security Updates
- Installed Server Roles
- Installed Certificates
- Scheduled Tasks
- Local Groups
- Local Users
The module has been created with a mindset to be able to quickly make an inventory of a new environment, providing default information required to get to know new systems. Seeing that I tend to work on a project basis a lot for different companies, getting inventory data really helps me with quickly evaluating the systems I need to work on. It might also simply help with keeping track of changes made on a system over time by re-running cmdlets and comparing the data collected.
# Install PSP-Inventory from the Powershell Gallery
Find-Module PSP-Inventory | Install-Module
Do note that due to the release of v1.0.0 there might be breaking changes. This solves some of the issues the module was having, but might impact current users of the module. Be sure to check the Change Log for exact information on what has been changed.
Please see the following article
- View the Issues list to see what's currently known.
Here are a few simple examples on how to use the module for basic inventory needs.
All cmdlets currently already provide comment based help available within PowerShell itself, which can be found here
#Collect the list of computers to query
$Computers = Get-Content 'C:\Temp\Computers.txt'
Get-PspNicInfo -ComputerName $Computers -Drivers | Format-Table
ComputerName Alias Index PhysicalAdapter IPAddress Status MacAddress DHCPEnabled DHCPServer DNSServers
------------ ----- ----- --------------- --------- ------ ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
DC2012R2 Ethernet 10 True {, fe80::e456:f730:f610:7eac} Connected 00:17:FB:00:00:00 False {}
SRV2012 Ethernet 10 True {, fe80::2d7c:d6b8:d670:38df} Connected 00:17:FB:00:00:02 False {}
SRV2016CORE Ethernet 1 True {, fe80::a438:7d49:4f12:b000} Connected 00:17:FB:00:00:03 False {}
SRV2019CORE Ethernet 1 True {, fe80::31f3:d92a:a4b9:e3a8} Connected 00:17:FB:00:00:04 False {}
This depends on the availability of the ImportExcel module on your system
$Software = Get-PspSoftware -ComputerName NYC-DC01
$Software | Export-Excel -Path "$Home\Inventory\Inventory.xlsx" -WorksheetName 'Software' -Append -AutoSize -AutoFilter -FreezeTopRowFirstColumn
This will provide you an Excel sheet work a worksheet named Software containing all the collected data. It will be automatically sized, filtered and the top row and first column will be frozen.
If there's already data in this Excel sheet, it will automatically append the data to it instead of overwriting it.
This module has been tested on the following Windows Systems:
Operating System | Tested | Expected to work |
Windows 10 - 1809 | Yes | Yes |
Windows 10 - 1803 | Yes | Yes |
Windows 8.1 | No | Yes |
Windows 7 | No | Yes |
Windows Server 2019 | Yes | Yes |
Windows Server 2016 | Yes | Yes |
Windows Server 2012R2 | Yes | Yes |
Windows Server 2012 | Yes | Yes |
Windows Server 2008R2 | Yes | Yes |
Windows Server 2008 | Yes | Yes |
Windows Server 2003R2 | Yes | Yes |
It is not expected that this module will function on Unix/MacOS and they are not supported.
This module has been tested with the following PowerShell versions:
PowerShell Version | Tested |
PowerShell 6 Core | Yes |
Windows PowerShell 5.1 | Yes |
Windows PowerShell 5 | Yes |
Windows PowerShell 4 | Yes |
Windows PowerShell 3 | Yes |
Windows PowerShell 2 | Yes |