Cake-Sentry is an error handler plugged on Sentry - docs
- Install Sentry Plugin into your CakePHP project :
git submodule add app/Plugin/Sentry cd app/Plugin/Sentry git submodule init git submodule update
- Load the cake-sentry Plugin in your bootstrap.php :
- Configure the error handler in your core.php :
App::uses('SentryErrorHandler', 'Sentry.Lib');
Configure::write('Sentry', array(
'production_only' => false, // true is default value -> no error in sentry when debug
'avoid_bot_scan_errors' => 'MissingController or MissingPlugin error message', // or false if you want Sentry to log MissingController and MissingPlugin Exceptions
'User' => array(
'model' => 'SpecialUser', // 'User' is default value
'email_field' => 'special_email' // default checks 'email' and 'mail' fields
'PHP' => array(
'javascript' => array(
Configure::write('Error', array(
'handler' => 'SentryErrorHandler::handleError',
'level' => E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED,
'trace' => true
Configure::write('Exception', array(
'handler' => 'SentryErrorHandler::handleException',
- Use Sentry as logger :
CakeLog::config('default', array('engine' => 'Sentry.SentryLog'));
- include ravenjs and init script in the default layout :
echo $this->Html->script('jquery');
echo $this->Html->script('ravenjs-min');
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
<?php echo $this->element('Sentry.raven-js'); ?>