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by Jason Selwyn, Martin French, and Chris Bird

An R script designed to simulate the most likely number of individuals 
introduced in a colonization event. This is an updated version of the 
simulation model published by Selwyn et al. 2017. 

	- Stochastic mortality applied to both haplotypes and number of 
	- Gene diversity calculations are corrected for sample size.
		This was not neccessary for lionfish due to large
		sample sizes and low genetic diversity
	- Logistic population growth
	- Settings have been generalized to a wider array of species

How to run:
	1.) Configure parameters.R file
		a.) estimate source pop theta (k) using arlequin and/or
		b.) provide a vector of haplotype frequencies from
			a source population 
		c.) provide a vector of haplotype frequencies from
			the destination population and
		d.) the estimated gene diversity of the destination pop
			a.) if you have thoroughly sampled the destination
				pop, then you don't have to do this
		e.) provide standard demographic parameters
			a.) don't sweat this too hard, this will control
				pop growth rate and you can specify a
				constant to modulate the growth rate
			b.) the faster the population grows, the less 
				chance genetic drift has to change 
				allele frequencies

	2.) Configure the file for your supercomputer
		a.) you can also run on a workstation, but you'll have to
			mimick what happens in the file

	3.) On a supercomputer, use sbatch to submit the job to your 
		slurm scheduler
		$ sbatch <parameters file>

	- population size and likelihood plots
	- RData file (see notes below)
	- csv file of summary data in tidy format
	- error logs

	1.)  No Allee effects
	2.)  No elevated mortality in the colonizers
	3.)  No variance in reproductive success
	4.)  Logistic growth - enforced on recruits per individual
	5.)  Single introduction
	6.)  Genetic data is assumed to be haploid (mtDNA)
	7.)  Locus obeys infinite alleles model
	8.)  Source population is in mutation-drift equilibrium
	9.)  Deterministic, monthly reproduction
        10.) Colonists are adults
	11.) PLD <= 30 days
	12.) Reproductive maturity occurs at same age for all

How it works:
	If source pop is defined by estimate of theta, the Ewan's 
	sampling distribution is used to draw a sample of individuals 
	from the source population.  Otherwise, the vector of haplotypes
	from the source population is assumed to adequately represent 
	the genetic diversity of the whole population and the sample
	of colonizers is drawn randomly using the multinomial 

	The colonizers start reproducing each month. Eggs are produced
	by the user-specified proportion of females and females eggs
	are tracked.  Egg and larval mortality occurs in the first
	month, resulting in a given number of recruits per individual
	(RPI).  The RPI is multiplied by a used specified constant to
	adjust growth rate. Recruits become juveniles and monthly 
	cohorts are subjected to a user-specified mortality rate.
	Juveniles become adults after a user-specified number of months.
	Adults are also subjected to a different, user-specified 
	mortality rate.  Logistic growth is achieved by linearly 
	decreasing the RPI as the number of adults approaches the user-
	specified carrying capacity (adults). The total population size
	can be larger than the carryign capacity because eggs, larvae,
	and juveniles are not counted towards carrying capacity.

	From a population genetic stand point, reproduction occurs
	according to the discrete Wright-Fisher model. Haplotypes are
	drawn from an infinite pool of eggs.  Mortality stochastically
	removes haplotypes from the population using the binomial 
	distribution, with differnt rates of mortality for eggs, larvae,
	juveniles, and adults.  

	After a user-specified amount of time (usually the time from 
	introduction to genetic sampling of the destination population),
	the model is stopped and a genetic sample equal in size to that
	of the vector of observed haplotypes from the destination 
	population.  The haplotype richness and sample-size corrected
	gene diversity (see Arlequin manual) are calculated from the 
	simulated sample.  If the both the haplotype richness equals
	the observed and the gene diversity falls within the 95% CI
	of the observed, then it is recorded as a match.

	The simulation is repeated as specified by the user, iterating
	through bootstrap replicates for each number of colonists being
	tested.  The number of colonists with the highest proportion of
	matches to the observed population (i.e. highest joint 
	likelihood) is deemed the most likely to have produce the
	observed genetic diversity given the settings and the implicit
	model assumptions.

	The user can iterate over multiple source population diversities
	and destination population growth rates to test senstivity.

	The RData file produced can be exceedingly large. Setting the 
	thin variable to TRUE only keeps the first and last month of 
	the simulation.  Otherwise, all months are stored in the 
	RData file.  To obtain population size plots for every month,
	set thin to TRUE (the user might want to set a small number of 
	bootstrap replicates). 


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