High-performance dynamic image server in Java
Get started with a release build.
cp cantaloupe.properties.sample cantaloupe.properties
then edit cantaloupe.properties per your needs. -
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dcantaloupe.config=cantaloupe.properties
will build and run the project using the embedded web server listening on the port(s) specified incantaloupe.properties
. -
mvn clean package -DskipTests
will build a release JAR in thetarget
folder, which can be run via:java -cp cantaloupe-{version}.jar -Dcantaloupe.config=... edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.StandaloneEntry
- Add a new run configuration using the "Java Application" template or similar.
- Set the main class to
and add the-Dcantaloupe.config=cantaloupe.properties
VM option.
Copy test.properties.sample
to test.properties
and fill in whatever info
you have.
The code tests are structured into three Maven profiles:
mvn clean test -Pnodeps
will run only the tests that have no dependencies
on third-party services and do not require any external tools or libraries.
mvn clean test -Pfreedeps
will run all of the above tests, plus any that
depend on open-source tools or libraries. These are the tests run in
continuous integration. The following dependencies are required:
- MinIO (for S3SourceTest & S3CacheTest)
- FFmpeg (for FfmpegProcessorTest)
- Grok (for GrokProcessorTest)
- OpenJPEG (for OpenJpegProcessorTest)
- TurboJPEG with Java binding (for TurboJpegProcessorTest)
- Redis (for RedisCacheTest)
mvn clean test
will run all tests including the ones above. The following
additional dependencies are required:
- Kakadu native library (for KakaduNativeProcessorTest) - see the KakaduNativeProcessor section of the user manual for information.
- A Microsoft Azure account
Because it can be a chore to install all of the dependencies needed to get all
of the tests in the freedeps
profile passing, there is a docker-compose.yml
file available that will spin up all needed dependencies in separate
containers, and run the tests in another container. From the project root
directory, invoke:
docker compose -f docker/{platform}/docker-compose.yml up --build --exit-code-from cantaloupe
There is an output tester tool that enables visual inspection of image output.
Performance tests use JMH.
Run them with mvn clean test -Pbenchmark
To compose Docker image and pipe JMH results to output, run:
docker compose -f docker/Linux-JDK21/docker-compose.yml up --build -d
docker exec -it linux-jdk21-cantaloupe-1 mvn --batch-mode test -Pbenchmark > out.txt
(these are run by the run_jmh.sh script)
The suggested process for contributing code changes is:
- Submit a "heads-up" issue in the tracker, ideally before beginning any work.
- Create a fork.
- Create a feature branch, starting from either
(see the "Versioning" section.) - Make your changes.
- Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
). - Push the branch (
git push origin feature/my-new-feature
). - Create a pull request.
Different application versions may require different configuration file keys. It's good practice to use a dedicated configuration file for each version. Key changes are documented in UPGRADING.md.
Cantaloupe roughly uses semantic versioning. Major releases (n) involve major redesign that breaks backwards compatibility significantly. Minor releases (n.n) either do not break compatibility, or only in a minor way. Patch releases (n.n.n) are for bugfixes only.
Cantaloupe uses a basic version of the
branching model. develop
is the main branch that tracks the current state of
the next non-bugfix release. Significant features branch off of that into
feature branches (feature/feature-name
), from which they can be integrated
into a particular release.
When a major or minor version in develop
is ready for release, it merges into
a release/n.n
branch, where the release is tagged and the release archive is
Bugfixes that would increment a minor version of a release are applied to its
release branch and merged back into develop
- Run the Maven Verifier plugin (
mvn verify -DskipTests=true
) - Run an OWASP dependency check (
mvn org.owasp:dependency-check-maven:check
) - Run Spotbugs (
mvn clean compile spotbugs:spotbugs spotbugs:gui
) - Run the Endpoint tests
- Finalize the code to be released, addressing any relevant milestone issues, TODOs, etc.
- Finalize the documentation, including the website, user manual, and change log
- Merge into
- Update the version in
and commit this change git push origin release/x.x
- Wait for CI tests to pass
- Tag the release:
git tag -a v{version} -m 'Tag v{version}'; git push --tags
- Wait for GitHub Actions to add the release artifact to the tag
- Add the change log to the release on GitHub
- Close the release's issue milestone
- Deploy the updated website (if necessary)
Cantaloupe is open-source software distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.txt for terms.