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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 3, 2024. It is now read-only.

Pomelo v1.0.0 Release Notes

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@DenisCarriere DenisCarriere released this 22 Oct 12:12
· 38 commits to main since this release

Security Audits

SHA256 Checksum


eosio-cpp version 1.7.0

$ git clone
$ cd pomelo-app
$ git checkout v1.0.0
$ eosio-cpp app.pomelo.cpp -I include
$ shasum -a 256 app.pomelo.wasm
6116cbae46cc7239d0246a53e1e627f27d91f8fc9739e02064aa9198eefe43e7 app.pomelo

blanc++ version 12.0.1

$ blanc++ app.pomelo.cpp -I include
$ shasum -a 256 app.pomelo.wasm
68a2a0d1693833683ef7d29856c46fdbd2c528d72969d0cf091e29355555f51b app.pomelo

EOS Mainnet

$ cleos -u get code app.pomelo
code hash: 68a2a0d1693833683ef7d29856c46fdbd2c528d72969d0cf091e29355555f51b



# create grant and join round
cleos push action app.pomelo setproject '["author.eosn", "grant", "grant1", "fundingacc", ["EOS", "USDT"]]' -p author.eosn
cleos push action app.pomelo joinround '["grant1", 101]' -p author.eosn

# fund grant
cleos transfer user1 app.pomelo "10.0000 EOS" "grant:grant1"

# fund bounty
cleos transfer user1 app.pomelo "10.0000 EOS" "bounty:bounty1"


# configure app
cleos push action app.pomelo setconfig '[1, 500, 500, "login.eosn", "fee.pomelo"]' -p app.pomelo
cleos push action app.pomelo token '["4,EOS", "eosio.token", 10000, 1]' -p app.pomelo
cleos push action app.pomelo token '["4,USDT", "tethertether", 10000, 0]' -p app.pomelo

# create matching round and season add it to season and start it
cleos push action app.pomelo setround '[101, 1, "Grant Round #1", 100000]' -p app.pomelo
cleos push action app.pomelo setseason '[1, "2021-05-19T20:00:00", "2021-05-25T20:00:00", "2021-05-19T20:00:00", "2021-05-25T20:00:00", "Season 1", 100000]' -p app.pomelo

# approve grant by admin
cleos push action app.pomelo enable '["grant", "grant1", "ok"]' -p app.pomelo



role description
Backend Pomelo Backend
Admin Pomelo Admins
Owners Grant/Bounty Owners
SC Smart Contract

Table of Content

TABLE globals

  • {uint16_t} season_id - season ID (0 = not active)
  • {uint64_t} grant_fee - grant fee (bips - 1/100 1%)
  • {uint64_t} bounty_fee - bounty fee (bips - 1/100 1%)
  • {name} login_contract - EOSN Login contract
  • {name} fee_account - fee


    "season_id": 1,
    "grant_fee": 500,
    "bounty_fee": 500,
    "login_contractt": "login.eosn",
    "fee_account": "fee.pomelo",

TABLES grants and bounties


param index_position key_type
byauthor 2 i64
bystatus 3 i64
byupdated 4 i64


  • {name} id - (primary key) project name ID (used in memo to receive funds, must be unique)
  • {name} type - (❗️IMMUTABLE) project type (ex: grant/bounty)
  • {name} author_user_id - (❗️IMMUTABLE) author (Pomelo User Id)
  • {name} [funding_account=""] - funding account (EOS account)
  • {set<symbol_code>} [accepted_tokens=["EOS"]] - accepted tokens (ex: ["EOS"])
  • {name} [status="pending"] - status (pending/ok/disabled)
  • {time_point_sec} created_at - created at time
  • {time_point_sec} updated_at - updated at time


    "id": "mygrant",
    "type": "grant",
    "author_user_id": "user1.eosn",
    "funding_account": "myreceiver",
    "accepted_tokens": ["EOS"],
    "status": "ok",
    "created_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
    "updated_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",

TABLE transfers

  • scope: get_self() {name}


param index_position key_type
byfrom 2 i64
byuser 3 i64
byseason 4 i64
byround 5 i64
bygrant 6 i64
byvalue 7 i64
bycreated 8 i64


  • {uint64_t} transfer_id - (primary key) token transfer ID
  • {name} from - EOS account sender
  • {name} to - EOS account receiver
  • {extended_asset} ext_quantity - amount of tokens transfered
  • {asset} fee - fee charged and sent to global.fee_account
  • {string} memo - transfer memo
  • {name} user_id - Pomelo user account ID
  • {uint16_t} season_id - participating season ID
  • {uint16_t} round_id - participating round ID
  • {name} project_type - project type ("grant" / "bounty")
  • {name} project_id - project ID
  • {double} value - valuation at time of received
  • {checksum256} trx_id - transaction ID
  • {time_point_sec} created_at - created at time


    "transfer_id": 10001,
    "from": "myaccount",
    "to": "pomelo",
    "ext_quantity": {"contract": "eosio.token", "quantity": "15.0000 EOS"},
    "fee": "1.0000 EOS",
    "memo": "grant:grant1",
    "user_id": "user1.eosn",
    "season_id": 1,
    "round_id": 101,
    "project_type": "grant",
    "project_id": "grant1",
    "value": 100.0,
    "trx_id": "3bf31f6c32a8663bf3fdb0993a2bf3784d181dc879545603dca2046f05e0c9e1",
    "created_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00"

TABLE match

  • scope: round_id {uint64_t}


  • {name} grant_id - (primary key) grant ID
  • {uint16_t} round_id - round ID
  • {uint64_t} total_users - total number of users
  • {double} sum_value - sum of all user value contributions
  • {double} sum_boost - sum of all user contributions boosts
  • {double} sum_sqrt - sum of square root of contributions (quadratic funding metric)
  • {double} square - total square of the square roots (quadratic funding metric)
  • {time_point_sec} updated_at - updated at time


    "grant_id": "grant1",
    "round_id": 101,
    "total_users": 2,
    "sum_value": 150.0,
    "sum_boost": 325.0,
    "sum_sqrt": 25.0,
    "square": 625.0,
    "updated_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00"

TABLE users

  • scope: {uint16_t} round_id


param index_position key_type
bydonated 2 i64
byboosted 3 i64


  • {name} user_id - (primary key) grant ID
  • {double} multiplier - current user multiplier
  • {double} value - total amount contributed by user in this round
  • {double} boost - total boost amount for user in this round
  • {vector<contribution_t>} contributions - vector of user's contributions (donated + boost) to each project
  • {time_point_sec} updated_at - updated at time


    "user_id": "user1",
    "multiplier": 1.25,
    "contributions": [{"id": "grant1", "value": 24.0}, {"id": "grant2", "value": 10.0}],
    "updated_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00"

TABLE seasons


  • {uint16_t} season_id - (primary key) season_id
  • {string} description - season description
  • {vector<uint16_t>} round_ids - round ids participating in this season
  • {double} match_value - total matching pool value for this season
  • {time_point_sec} start_at - start at time
  • {time_point_sec} end_at - end at time
  • {time_point_sec} submission_start_at - submission start time
  • {time_point_sec} submission_end_at - submission end time
  • {time_point_sec} created_at - created at time
  • {time_point_sec} updated_at - updated at time


    "season_id": 1,
    "description": "Season #1",
    "round_ids": [101, 102, 103],
    "match_value": 100000,
    "start_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
    "end_at": "2020-12-12T00:00:00",
    "submission_start_at": "2020-11-06T00:00:00",
    "submission_end_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
    "created_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
    "updated_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",

TABLE rounds


  • {uint64_t} round_id - (primary key) matching rounds
  • {string} description - grant text description
  • {uint16_t} season_id - season ID
  • {set<name>} grant_ids - grants IDs participating
  • {set<name>} user_ids - user IDs participating
  • {vector<extended_asset>} donated_tokens - donated tokens
  • {double} match_value - estimated value of the matching pool
  • {double} sum_value - total value donated this round
  • {double} sum_boost - total boost received this round
  • {double} sum_square - square of total sqrt sum
  • {time_point_sec} created_at - created at time
  • {time_point_sec} updated_at - updated at time


    "round_id": 101,
    "description": "Grant Round #1",
    "season_id": 1,
    "grant_ids": ["grant1"],
    "user_ids": ["user1.eosn"],
    "donated_tokens": [{"contract": "eosio.token", "quantity": "100.0000 EOS"}],
    "match_value": 100000,
    "sum_value": 12345,
    "sum_boost": 3231,
    "sum_square": 423451.1233,
    "created_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
    "updated_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",

TABLE tokens


  • {symbol} sym - (primary key) symbol
  • {name} contract - token contract
  • {uint64_t} min_amount - min amount required when donating
  • {uint64_t} oracle_id - Defibox oracle ID (0 for base token)


    "sym": "4,EOS",
    "contract": "eosio.token",
    "min_amount": 10000,
    "oracle_id": 1

ACTION setconfig


  • {uint16_t} season_id - season ID (0 = not active)
  • {optional<uint64_t>} grant_fee - grant fee (bips - 1/100 1%)
  • {optional<uint64_t>} bounty_fee - bounty fee (bips - 1/100 1%)
  • {optional<name>} login_contract - EOSN Login contract
  • {optional<name>} fee_account - fee account


$ cleos push action app.pomelo setconfig '[1, 500, 500, "login.eosn", "fee.pomelo"]' -p app.pomelo

ACTION setseason

Set season parameters. If optional parameter undefined - don't change it. If all parameters undefined - delete


  • {uint16_t} season_id - season ID (0 = not active)
  • {optional<time_point_sec>} start_at - round start time
  • {optional<time_point_sec>} end_at - round end time
  • {optional<time_point_sec>} submission_start_at - round submission start time
  • {optional<time_point_sec>} submission_end_at - round submission end time
  • {optional<string>} description - season description
  • {optional<double>} match_value - match value (for information purposes)


$ cleos push action app.pomelo setseason '[1, "2021-05-19T20:00:00", "2021-05-25T20:00:00", "2021-05-19T20:00:00", "2021-05-25T20:00:00", "Season 1", 100000]' -p app.pomelo

ACTION setgrant

Create/update grant - wrapper for setproject for grants


  • {name} author_id - author user id - cannot be modified
  • {name} project_id - project ID - cannot be modified
  • {name} funding_account - account to forward donations to
  • {set<symbol_code>} accepted_tokens - accepted tokens


$ cleos push action app.pomelo setgrant '["123.eosn", "mygrant", "project2fund", ["EOS"]]' -p app.pomelo -p 123.eosn

ACTION enable

  • authority: get_self() + author_id

Enable/disable grant or bounty


  • {name} project_type - project type grant/bounty
  • {name} project_id - project ID
  • {name} status - project status ("pending", "ok", "disabled")


$ cleos push action app.pomelo enable '["grant", "grant1", "ok"]' -p app.pomelo

ACTION setround

Create/update round. If a parameter is null - don't change it


  • {uint16_t} round_id - round id
  • {uint16_t} season_id - season id
  • {optional<string>} description - grant description
  • {optional<double>} match_value - total value of the matching pool


$ cleos push action app.pomelo setround '[101, 1, "Grant Round #1", 100000]' -p app.pomelo

ACTION joinround

  • authority: get_self() + author_id

Adds grant to round


  • {name} grant_id - grant_id
  • {uint16_t} round_id - round_id


$ cleos push action app.pomelo joinround '["grant1", 101]' -p app.pomelo -p 123.eosn

ACTION unjoinround

  • authority: get_self()

Remove grant from round and update all matchings


  • {name} grant_id - grant id
  • {uint16_t} round_id - round id


$ cleos push action app.pomelo unjoinround '["grant1", 101]' -p app.pomelo

ACTION cleartable

Clear table


  • {name} table_name - table name, i.e. "transfers"
  • {uint16_t} [round_id] - (optional) round ID
  • {uint64_t} [max_rows] - (optional) max number of rows to clear, if 0 - clear all


$ cleos push action app.pomelo cleartable '["transfers", 101, 500]' -p app.pomelo

ACTION removeuser

  • authority: get_self()

Remove user from all projects at this round and update all matchings


  • {name} user_id - user id
  • {uint16_t} round_id - round id


$ cleos push action app.pomelo removeuser '["user1.eosn", 1]' -p app.pomelo

ACTION collapse

  • authority: get_self()

Collapse donations from {user_ids} users into {user_id} in {round_id} and recalculate all matchings


  • {set<name>} user_ids - user IDs to collapse
  • {name} user_id - user ID to collapse into
  • {uint16_t} round_id - round ID


$ cleos push action app.pomelo collapse '[["user2.eosn","user3.eosn","user4.eosn"], "user1.eosn", 1]' -p app.pomelo

ACTION token

Set token information


  • {symbol} sym - (primary key) symbol
  • {name} contract - token contract
  • {uint64_t} min_amount - min amount required when donating
  • {uint64_t} oracle_id - Defibox oracle id for price discovery (0 for base token)


$ cleos push action app.pomelo token '["4,EOS", "eosio.token", 10000, 1]' -p app.pomelo