Main things to be done:
- Add a way to serialize and deserialize game
- Add a way to restore state on client and to save game to cookies on every turn
- Implement proper routing (route for settings and actual game, with redirect)
- Implement functionality to let user refresh page and continue game from where they left
- Add post-game stats screen
- Implement 2 more type of Computer player - Defensive and Offensive
- If First player is Computer - it is impossible to have a game - fix it.
- Fix maximum stack reached error when playing with more than one Computer player and no human players left
- Add Hover state to buttons
- Switch inputs to style similar to
- Add balanced (known as BECAI in original game) Computer player
- Cover all code code with tests (reach 100% coverage)
- Have a proper user-interface designed and implemented
- Add a way to get back to settings page