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A set of program-to-program transformations and a commandline tool for applying them. The goal is to automate as much as possible the transformations studied by Danvy et al. which relate various forms of abstract machines and interpreters. The paper Defunctionalized Interpreters for Programming Languages offers a good overview of these transformations.
Currently implemented transformations are:
- One-pass CPS
- Defunctionalization
The object language is a call-by-value untyped lambda-caculus augmented with
constructors and pattern matching. Interesting examples can be found under
Example usage:
cabal run defunc -- parse eval < examples/append.lam
cabal run defunc -- parse cps < examples/append.lam
cabal run defunc -- parse cps defunc < examples/append.lam
cabal run defunc -- parse cps defunc eval < examples/append.lam