Custom UIView subclass for circular progress view.
Just add "MZRoundProgressView.h" and "MZRoundProgressView.m" to your project.
Then select the view controller you want to add MZRoundProgressView and paste:
#import "MZRoundProgressView.h"
Add MZRoundProgressView to your view controller. As example in storyboard. And connect it as outlet.
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet MZRoundProgressView *roundView;
Set the parameters of the MZRoundProgressView like that:
self.roundView.progress = 0.75;
self.roundView.lineColor = [UIColor blackColor];
self.roundView.thickness = 5;
self.roundView.animationDuration = 0.5;
When you need to animate the changes call
[self.roundView updateProgressViewAnimated];