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Wrapper over SVG stroke animation. Quick demo


Component extends ComponentProps<'svg'> while adding progress prop as a percentage.

type StrokeDashoffsetProps = ComponentProps<'svg'> & {
children: JSX.Element
svg?: JSX.Element
progress: number
strokeColor?: string
strokeWidth?: number
pathLength?: number

Only 1 🌶 path/polygon/circle/... should be the children so that when progress value changes a clone will draw itself. Use strokeColor and strokeWidth to customize it.

        viewBox="0 0 50 50"
<polygon points="12 2, 22 22, 2 22" fill="none" stroke="blue" />

Most likely you'll want to compose richer vectors and only 1 children will not do. As escape hatch you can use prop svg as demo shows.


Our requirements are more modest but at the same time more responsible: buildings, furniture, drinking glasses may well be consumer items that we can destroy without regret after they have served for some short or long period, but while we use them we expect them to fullfill their role and serve us perfectly, so perfectly that we can also derive aesthetic enjoyment from observing them in use.

Erik Gunnar Asplund on Swedish Grace.