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Weili Xu edited this page May 31, 2024 · 1 revision

The PNNL RCT Web Service

This document provides the API documentation for the RCT Web Service. The API specification is published following the OpenAPI Specification v3.0.3. This API allows software developers to test the project evaluation with the RCT web service programmatically. The specification is written in a YAML file in the repo and can be used in Swagger Editor.

Base URL

The base URL for all the API endpoints is https://tbd

Run a successful project evaluation

The example given in this section uses three RPD files provided in the RCT repo ( Demo ) to run a project evaluation with ASHRAE 90.1 2019 Appendix G (ashrae9012019). The API endpoint for this call is

POST /evaluate

Along with the endpoints, the API requires two query parameters and one zip file. One parameter is used for the ruleset and the other is for reports. The zip file should contain all the RPD files needed for running the evaluation.

Example call can be:


curl -X 'POST' 'https://tbd/evaluate?ruleset=ashrae9012019&report=ASHRAE9012019DetailReport%2CRawSummary' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \ 
--data0binary ''

Request URL


A successful call will receive a response with a 200 status code and a session ID organized in a json format:

    "sessionId": "abc-def-efg"

The sessionId is the key to getting the status of this particular evaluation from the web service including the evaluation status as well as the output summaries.