Releases: pnnl/SOSAT
(1) UserPrescribedFaultActivation.EvaluatePfail(Npressures=2, Nsamples=1e6)
change the function to read in the pre-sampled stress points to save time .
CriticalFaultActivation.EvaluatePfail(self, Npressures=20, Nsamples=1e6,shmin=None, shmax=None, sv=None)
(2) change the PlotFailureProbability so that it plots (dP versus Prob, instead of Pressure versus Prob), optional inputs for fault samples
CriticalFaultActivation.PlotFailureProbability(Npressures, Nsamples, figwidth, n_fault_p)
(3) change the evaluateFail to read in pre-sampled faults and stress infos
CriticalFaultActivation.EvaluatePfail(self, Npressures=20, Nsamples=1e6,
shmin=None, shmax=None, sv=None,
Have a separate sampling function in the risk analysis and then in the EvaulatePfail function, Shmin, Shmax, and Sv could be optional input. If they are None, then they will be sampled again in the EvaluatePail function; if it is not None, the code will use stress points that have been passed.
Release v0.6.0
This release includes risk analysis of hydraulic fracturing.
Release v0.5.0
This release adds a user-prescribed fault orientation risk analysis method.
Release v0.4.0
This minor version includes a new faulting regime constraint in terms of the A_phi parameterization
Release v0.3.2
A patch with a few bug fixes
Release v0.3.1
Fixed sign error in drilling mud temperature for DITF and breakout constraints
Release v0.3.0
Added critical fault activation risk analysis, horizontal stress confidence interval calculations, and improved testing